Mental Health Facts
Getting Help
An extreme low mood that lasts a long time and makes a person feel sad. Symptoms include: low energy; feeling like life doesn't matter, and that it will never get better.
What is depression?
How a person is doing mentally and emotionally. It includes how one thinks, feels, behaves and copes.
What is Mental Health?
A fearful reaction to events that are not dangerous or are significantly less dangerous than the fearful person imagines.
What is anxiety?
Talk to a parent; Talk to a teacher/guidance counsellor; Call the Kids Help Phone Line; Call the Youth Crisis Respnse Line
What can you do if you need help with your mental health?
15% to 30% of youth with depression do go on to make a suicidal attempt.
What is "Is there a conncetion between depression and suicide?"
Get good sleep; Stay active; Participate in activities that you enjoy; Find ways to relax; Talk
What are ways to stay mentally healthy?
Seperation anxiety; Social Anxiety; Generalized Anxiety; Specific Phobias; OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder); Panic Attacks; PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder)
What are different kinds of anxiety disorders?
Indiviual Counselling; Family Counselling; Psychiatirc Assessment; Medication.
What are some of the services/treatments available for mental health needs?
Feeling low or sad because something has happened versus feeling numb and empty for no apparent reason.
What is the difference between feeling sad/blue and suffering from depression.
Depression;Anxiety;Biploar Disorder;Eating Disorder.
What are some of the mental health diagnosis?
Fearful thinking ("What if.....?"); Avoidant Behaviour; Physical Symptoms such as headaches, stomach upset, dizziness, racing heart, sweating, shaking.
What are signs of anxiety?
Services can be confidential and parents do not need to be invovled unless there is a risk to your safety or the safety of others.
What is "Do my parents need to know I am getting services?"
Harrison Ford; Leath Hedger; JK Rowling; Owen Wilson; Eminem; Jim Carey; Demi Lavato;
Who are famous people that have suffered from depression?
18 to 20% of all children and adolescents.
How common are mental health problems in children/youth in Canada?
Catastrophizing (seeing a problem as bigger than it is); Assuming the worst; Thinking you know what others are thinking (mindreading); Only hearing the negative (Filtering).
What are thinking traps that can lead to anxiety?
"That person is crazy"; "They did something to deserve it"; "That person is not normal"; "They just want attention"; "That person is weak"
What are some of the stigmas/statements made about people with mental illness?