Coping skills
Cognitive Triangle
ANT Buddies

What is your favorite coping skill?

Ms. Jessie's is deep breaths and taking breaks


Give me an example of a positive self talk sentence you can use when you are sad.

Ms. Jessie's is "I am enough, I am loved"


Who would say "That is unfair!!!" 

Not Fair Frank


You are playing a game with a friend and they win. How do we respond?

Good Job!! Great game!! Congratulations!! I am proud of you!


What is the five senses grounding activity?

5 things you see

4 things you can touch

3 things you hear

2 things you smell

1 thing you taste


What is an unhealthy coping skill? 

Eating, Avoiding, Hitting, Yelling, Not letting others help

Anything that pushes the feelings away and lets them build up


An action or behavior we might have when we are angry is...

Yell, hit, throw, say unkind words

Who is Filtering Freddy and what is something he would think? 

Focuses on some things and ignores others. Especially focusing on the bad and ignoring the good. 

"At awards day I received 2 awards!!! But someone else got 3 so I must not be smart enough. "


How do you put yourself in someone else's shoes? How do you see a situation from their point of view?

Ask questions to understand their experiences, thoughts, and beliefs that influence their emotional response. 


 How can you tell if your body needs something?

We do a body scan to identify different sensations and feelings which our body uses to give us clues about what we need. 

Our basic needs are; food, water, sleep, shelter, safety, movement, love, play, friendship, respect, and self expression

I am feeling hungry, I am feeling uncomfortable or confused, I am fidgety, I am tired, etc

True or False

Positive self talk is a way to show yourself love



We can challenge or change our negative feelings such as sadness, jealousy, or anger by....

Using facts or logic to change our thoughts to positive thoughts. Or we can practice positive behaviors. 

Smiling when we are sad, making a silly noise or face when we are mad.

Change "I can't" to "I can try" or "I can do my best"


Who would make a broken pencil (small problem) feel like you cant do any work the rest of the day (big problem)?

Catastrophizing Cammie


The way a person speaks to someone. It is how you use your voice to get your point across.

Tone of voice


True or False

Mindfulness can help improve focus, ability to learn, keep emotions in check, and much more!


Mindfulness can also help improve sleep, self-control, stress tolerance, increase flexibility and  empathy, and overall quality of life.


What is self-care? 

Engaging in activities that help to take care of yourself physically, mentally, emotionally. 

Ex. Staying active, doing preferred relaxation activities, positive self talk, etc 


When I am focused and working hard I am having positive, negative, or neutral thoughts/behaviors? 

Neutral or positive

You may be in a learning mind set 


You may be PROUD of how hard you are working 


Your friend has been quiet all day. You think "They must be mad at me, what did I do wrong"

Hint- we are assuming what they are thinking and feeling

Mind Reading Marty


Body language can help display Empathy. True or False?


Ex. Crossed arms and no eye contact 


When doing mindfulness correctly a person should only be focused on?

What is happening inside and outside their body in the present moment.


When is practicing self care and good coping skills important?

Every single day!!


What are the three components or points of the cognitive triangle?

Thoughts, Feelings, and Behaviors


What does ANT stand for?

Automatic Negative Thoughts


What is Empathy?

Understanding another person's feelings


What is Mindfulness?

Being mindful means having your mind on what you are doing in the present moment. Being aware of what is happening around us, inside of us and how we are responding to that.