Supporting Others
Mental Health
Yes or No...

The goal of practicing self-care is ________?

improving mental health and well-being


Your friend Mia has been distant for the last couple of weeks, and has stopped doing things that she enjoys such as hanging out with her friends or playing soccer. You also notice that she has missed a lot of school and when she is there, she doesn't eat lunch and will cry easily or is in a bad mood. What might be going on with Mia?

Mia might be experiencing depression! What can you do to help your friend?


What is the point of learning coping skills?

Learning coping skills can reduce the intensity of a stressful situation!


True or False: ADHD is a mental illness

FALSE. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is a neurodevelopmental disorder, meaning it is something that you are born with.


We are all a little OCD.

No. Just because we can have high standards for cleanliness or like to do things a certain way, does not mean that you have OCD "sometimes!" People with OCD experience extreme difficulty getting through the day due to obsessions, compulsions and/or unwanted or intrusive thoughts.


Self-care is expensive: TRUE or FALSE

False! Self-care can be sleeping in an extra hour, going for a walk, or spending time with a friend or family member.


You might feel _______ if your friend told you that they didn't want to be friends anymore.

hurt, sad, angry, insecure


Name 3 coping skills you could use for anxiety over presenting in front of your class?

Deep breathing, practicing with a friend, parent, or trusted adult, re-framing thoughts 

Follow up: How do you reframe a thought?


What does OCD stand for?

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder


If you think someone is suicidal, you should avoid bringing it up. It might give them the idea to actually do it.

NO. If you are concerned about someone potentially hurting themselves (or others), asking might save their life (or someone else's)! In general, it is better to know than to assume.


How often should you practice self-care?



What might someone feel _______ if they had to present a class project or perform in front of other people?

Anxious, insecure, vulnerable


What are 2 healthy coping skills?

connecting with others, avoiding jumping to conclusions, finding gratitude, pausing before reacting, recognizing feelings and triggers, physical activity....and so many more!


What is the most common mental health condition found in children?



Having bipolar disorder means that you experience rapid changes from one mood to another.

Nope. Bipolar disorder is a mood disorder BUT it is when a person experiences a manic or hypomanic episode for several days to several weeks, followed by periods of depression that can last for months.


Self-care encourages a healthy relationship with ________.

You! Effective self-care should be for you, Only!


True or false: it is easy to tell if someone has experienced trauma

FALSE! We never truly know what others have experienced. Traumatic stress also looks very similar to other mental health conditions.


What is an example of an unhealthy coping "skill"?

There are many, but most of the time we use unhealthy ways to cope with stressful or triggering events/situations/memories/people/places etc to avoid dealing with those big uncomfortable thoughts, feelings, and sensations.


What mental health disorder changes the structure of the brain?

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder


I am all of a sudden feeling more annoyed and sad, gained (or lost) weight, and my family and friends have commented that they've noticed a change in me and that I seem down in the dumps. I have never felt this way before. Should I see my primary care doctor before getting help from a mental health professional?  

YES. Our bodies and minds are connected, and it is important to figure out if there is a physical health reason for your symptoms first!


What are 3 examples of self-care?

ex. limiting social media, supportive friendships, enough sleep, eating well, exercise, hobbies/interests, spirituality...and many more!


What is the difference between sympathy and empathy?

Sympathy: feeling sorry FOR someone

Empathy: putting yourself in someone else's position and feeling what they are feeling (being WITH someone).


True or false: coping skills work best for when we feel out of control

False. Coping skills should be practiced DAILY for them to be useful when we are very triggered or overwhelmed. Coping skills are like building muscles, the more you exercise them, the bigger and stronger they become.


What is stigma? How is it harmful when it comes to mental health?

When we think that mental health is not important, we don't talk about it because we worry others will think that we are "crazy" or that there is something wrong with us. It does much more harm to ourselves and others when we talk about and address our mental health.


If you take medications for anxiety or depression, you have to stay on them for the rest of your life.

No. Medications for anxiety and depression are not meant to be taken forever. If you had a broken leg, physical therapy would be helpful to recover back to being back to normal, but it's not going to work if you don't reset the broken bone on the inside! And you certainly wouldn't need to wear a cast for the rest of your life, right?