What does 'A' stand for in our Action Plan?
What is Mental Health?
The condition of our mind.
What is Self-Care?
Practice of taking action to preserve or improve ones own mental or physical health.
A _____ is very bad anxiety that causes mental and physical effects on the body.
A). Anxiety
B). Panic Attack
C). Depression
B. Panic Attack
You can _____ a staff at PathPoint if you need help with a crisis. **Hint: last letter of the action plan**
True or False: Self-care is the same for everyone.
Physical symptoms of _______ have quite a few symptoms on common to to the ones we experience when we exercise. Some include sweating, being tense, and feeling hot.
A). Panic Attack
B). Depression
C). Anxiety
C. Anxiety
Under 'R-Right Now', what number do you call if you are helping someone who has stated that their feelings could cause life-threatening injury or worse?
What is an example of stigmatizing language?
"That's so your OCD"
"That must be your ADD"
Why do we need self-care?
It is important to take care of yourself so you can help others.
What are some symptoms of depression?
Loss of interest, changes in weight/appetite, changes in sleep, trouble concentrating
Fill in the blank: Don't try to fix the person's problems and just ____ to what they say.
LISTEN-- the 'L' in ALERT!
What is a Mental Health Challenge?
Problems with mental health that could negatively affect emotional well-being
True or False: Self-care should be done as often as possible.
TRUE! Try to incorporate your self-care action plan as much as you can to improve your overall mental and physical health.
While experiencing depression, one of the major emotions that people feel is ________.
Under 'E=Encourage', some examples of professionals that could help someone include...
Medical Doctors
Religious mentors
What is a Mental Health Crisis?
An emergency situation in which a person needs professional help immediately.
What are some examples of self-care?
Exercise, reading social settings, art...etc. Whatever works for YOU!
What medical problems share the same symptoms as those of a panic attack?
Heart attack, asthma attack, stroke