Difficult Situations
Self Care
Important Items

What 4 items should be covered in attendance notes?

What are 1. Life Updates 2. Overall health/appearance 3. Progress Status (Course Specific) 4. Goals


Do NCAA students have special communication requirements with their teachers? 

Yes. They are required to communicate with their EDM teacher weekly. The teacher decides on the form of communication. 


When a difficult parent or student situation arises what should you do first?

Calmly try to listen and show that you understand


What is the most important thing that you should have as a mentor when it comes to self-care? 


Boundaries for yourself, your work schedule, personal life, your students, parents, staff, etc. 


How important is it that I check student progress before or during a student check in? 

Very! You always want to use that time to address concerns, strengths, updates, and create goals. 


How many Contact Attempts should I make with a student who is NOT replying each week? 

3 - Bonus Points if you say 3 different types of communication (1 phone call, 1 text, 1 email, Missed Meeting)


Which 3 partnerships does MIPS have with NCAA focused hockey groups?

1. USA Hockey

2. Total Package Hockey "TPH"

3. Athlete Academy - Honeybaked Hockey


For challenging students situations, what are a few things you can do? 

1. Listen, always listen and show understanding

2. Try to be empathetic to their situation 

3. Try to build connection with student by discussing their interests and strengths

4. Remain the positive in their life


Who is the most important person right now? 


You cannot mentor if you are not well!


What should I do if a student has a flag in PS that says they should not attend in person events?

It is important that you know this information about your caseload. You can prevent emails from going out to a student with this flag in PS if you are aware of it. You can highlight online events for these students separately so that they do not feel left out (if permitted). 


What does this attendance code mean? PC

Parent Contact - this means you did NOT talk to the student 


Do we have other NCAA students throughout MIPS? 

Yes! We have many NCAA students throughout MIPS playing a variety of sports. 


What should I do if a parent or student is being disrespectful to me? 

Tell your Lead and Director. We do not have to tolerate inappropriateness. 


Student message arrives at 9:00PM 

Ms. H - I need to talk to you. It's super important. 

What do you say? 

Hello (student) you said it's important and I want to make sure you are okay? 

If you are okay, I would be happy to check into this and get back to you tomorrow during my work hours. 


My student seems to be struggling since leaving in-person school and misses social interactions. What should you do?

Help them sign up for a MIPS club! If they are really shy, maybe you can attend the first meeting with them virtually? 


Who should the communication codes be based on? 

Student communication! Parent communication is good but is not considered two-way communication because it is not with student. Use student communication when deciding your code and code parent communication appropriately.


How can I tell if my student is NCAA?

Flag in PS. 

Parents select it on the enrollment application. The counselor reviews the app and transcript and NCAA flag is created in PS. 


Situation: A difficult parent is upset that their student's work is not being graded in a timely manner. Their student submitted their work 24 hours ago. What do you do? 

1. Listen. 2. Let them know you understand what they said by rephrasing it back. 3. Help be a part of the solution by reminding that teachers have 48-72 hours to complete grading. 4. Make sure that parent has teacher contact information to increase communication.


Message from parent at 5:30PM 

I wanted to talk to you about how many credits (  ) needs for graduation. 

What do you say? 

Hello (  )

I would be happy to touch base with your counselor tomorrow to double check and follow up with more information. 


What should I do if I'm in the learning lab with a student alone? 

You should not be with a student alone. We should always have 2 staff members present when students are in person. Contact your lead/lab coordinator asap. 


What else should I be using as a tracking tool for student engagement? 

The Engagement Tracker - this should be used during your weekly Brand Standard check in meetings. 


Who should I talk to about NCAA questions? 

Counseling Team 

Casey V. has the USA Hockey students but the rest of the students are based on alphabet. 


I have a student who looks really sad and lonely in our meetings. They told me they never want to leave their room and do not have any friends. What should I do? 

Get support. As the mentor, your role is to notice and reach out to the necessary supports for help. If you are worried about their safety and do not want to leave a video call - reach out to staff in chat or text for support to join the call. Other meetings can be placed on the back burner if the situation calls for it. 


What system do we have for me to take time off? 

Each of our groups have a buddy system! Alert your Brand Standard and Mentor Buddies if you plan to take time off so they can help to support you! 


What are some topic items you should avoid talking about around students, in learning labs, and in our chats? 

Open for discussion