Mentor Admin
Mentor Meetings
Mentor Misc.
Mentor Communication
Is it mandatory to update a trainee's Bamboo profile with their mentor meeting dates?

Yes, a mentor must update each trainee's Bamboo profile with the completed mentor meeting dates. 


Where can a mentor find the training content needed to conduct a CR meeting with a trainee? 

This is found in the Sally Support Learning Tree in CR. 

Is a service note required for Litmos training? 

Yes, they will need to include what they reviewed in Litmos here. 


If a trainee reports Litmos is "stuck" at the NPI or CR meetings module, what should a mentor do? 

Inform them that the Training Department reviews these modules every 2-3 hours and to check back later. 


How long do mentors have to complete the first contact and to schedule the first Mentor Meeting after the Ready For Training email? 

48 hours to contact but the meeting is completed within five business days. 


T/F: When checking a trainee's Litmos appointments, mentors should confirm these are converted. 



How long are mentor meetings? 

Two hours for each mentor meeting. 


If a trainee reports code issues, what should a mentor first check? 

Who the trainee added under "appointment with". This must be "field session training" or the codes will not show. 


Who should help a trainee with tech support issues, training questions, or billing questions? 

The mentor should attempt to support the trainees first. If unsuccessful, the mentor will forward this question to the Training Department.


What modes of communication should be used when first contacting a trainee? 

At least two modes of communication should be used. Either an email/text followed by a phone call. 


What two steps should a mentor take to document red flags displayed by trainees? 

First, document the red flags in the Communication log in CR. Secondly, communicate these red flags via email to the Training Department. 


Where should a mentor document the completion of a mentor meeting? 

On Bamboo, under the Training tab. 

Do mentors need to complete the Learning Paths recently added (BT Academy, Reporting Only Course, etc.) to their Litmos?

No, you have access to this because you were added to the Team as Team Leaders. Do not complete any new hire training. If you have any questions about which trainings to complete, reach out to the Training Department.


How soon after mentor meeting one, should mentor meeting two occur? 

Within another five business days (by week two). 

If a mentor is unable to take on a trainee, is the Training Department the only people they should contact?  

No, the mentor should still reach out to the trainee to introduce themselves and advise a possible mentor change is coming.


When should a mentor check if Litmos training has been added to the trainee's Central Reach calendar? 

Before the welcome email is sent and once a week until Litmos is completed. (California mentors, check breaks and meal periods are entered for California trainees)


Should a mentor add future mentor meeting dates in Bamboo? 

No, only add the dates for completed mentor meetings.


If a trainee does not have access to their Training codes, what two steps should a mentor follow? 

Step 1: Contact HR coordinator on Ready for Training email and CC Training Coordinator. 

Step 2: Once codes are added, the mentor will support trainee with billing (either late timesheet or converting appointment).


What should a mentor do if a trainee is struggling to share their screen or to join the Teams meeting? 

Try to troubleshoot for a maximum of 15 minutes. 

When should I communicate with the Training Department that there will be a delay with Mentor Meeting 1? 

Immediately email the Training Department for further guidance. 


When should you request approval for additional mentor meetings or time from the Training Department?

Within 24-48 hours of anticipating your next meeting or additional time. This should not be requested after the meeting occurred


What should a mentor do after mentor meeting two? 

Inform them to continue their Litmos training. After Litmos is completed, a BCBA will contact them to complete their RBT competency. Provide them a copy of the initial RBT competency. 


If BE sends out a company wide training like a compliance training or the annual core training (not mentor specific), what client/code should be used? 

Field Session Training client and Ongoing Training code, this is considered a training task outside of your Mentor role. It is billed at the training rate. 


Are the monthly mentor meetings with PD mandatory? 

Yes, all mentors are expected to attend the mentor meetings "live". Any mentor that requires the Litmos video of this meeting, must provide a valid excuse to the Training Department. 


What should a mentor do if a trainee engages in unprofessional behavior during the training process? 

Depending on how egregious the behavior is, address these concerns with the trainee. If the behavior is significantly egregious, immediately update the communication log and reach out to the Regional Director & CC Training Department with the necessary details.