Where a student may find tutors for most introductory courses (i.e. CS101, MATH221, PHY211)
What is CARE?
A way to learn the material of any course by studying from exam to exam
What is the Procrastination Curve?
What is MEP?
Failures offer opportunity for growth is an example of this type of thinking
What is a Growth Mindset?
What is I-N-I?
Set times when a TA, or professor, are available to meet to answer questions and help with homework
What are Office Hours?
A method for staying focused and mentally fresh
What is the Pomodoro Technique?
Actively listening to a professor while doing this action
What is taking notes?
A method of learning where you choose a topic, explain the topic in plain terms, identify gaps in knowledge, and simplify
What is the Feynman Technique?
The partially albino squirrel that became popular over Reddit this fall semester
Who is Pinto Bean?
An on-campus building that provides free flu shots and other minor medications for students
What is McKinley Health Center?
The recommended amount of time a student should spend on a course per credit hour
What is three hours?
The act of purposely not studying but doing an activity of choice so you can focus on your studies again (i.e. video games, painting, playing frisbee)
What is taking a break?
David Sandler identified these three major elements to have success
What is Attitude, Behavior, and Technique?
An online platform for engineering students to find RSO information, schedule meetings, and find upcoming events
What is Grainger Student Portal?
A study abroad program for students in the Grainger College of Engineering
What is IPENG?
An active decision to prioritize your academics over events
What is fitting your schedule around studying?
The American Society for Engineering Education proposes that the average engineering student studies at least this amount of hours per day
What is seven hours?
This UIUC MEP Alumni once said "with the will it can be done"
Who is Mauro Rodriguez?
What is the Dairy Queen in Altgeld?
A free service that provides engineering students with professional help such as career fairs, resume reviews and interviewing tips
What is Engineering Career Services (ECS)?
An engineering student has a project deadline in two weeks and the project is worth 30% of their overall grade
What is Not Urgent but Important?
A site which allows students to network with alumni and employers to further their professional development
What is Handshake/LinkedIn?
These types of students see major concepts instead of basic ideas
What is an Expert Learner?
The son of a Hall of Fame basketball player and played for the Fighting Illini from 2007-2009
Who is Jeffery Jordan?