How many credits do you need to graduate?
Name one reason why attendence is important
Make friends, build relationship with teacher, helps your grades, keep up to date with school work, etc.
What do you need to be apart of a sports
Online registration on bound
how many hours do you need for silver cord?
160 hours
Who is the principal?
Mr. Schappaugh
True or False: It is important to try your best in your freshman classes
What is. A T1 tardy
Being 5 or less minutes late
What do you need to get j to a game at Roosevelt
Your student ID
What counts as a silver cord opportunity?
Any community event unless sponsored by a family member or your getting paid
What is roosevelts phone police n?
How many fine arts credits do you need?
How many days can you miss of school for it to be counted as chronic absenteeism?
9-20 days
Where do you buy your tickets
Bound or in person (costs more)
What is a good way to get information about silver cord opportunities?
Check your emails from your school community coordinator (at Roosevelt it’s Ms. Allen, at Merrill, Ms. Simone) or stay active in clubs
What Roosevelt Evvent is happening this Friday?
Culture Night
How many elective credits do you need?
Name 2 consequences of bad attendence
no dances, miss out on homework, being benched from sports
What event will be centered on exhibiting clubs at Roosevelt
Rider Roundup!
75% the rest must come from outside of Roosevelt events
how do you excuse absesnces
Infinite campus app, email to or phone call
What happens to your core classes credits once you fulfill the requirements (Rx: requirement for math is Algebra 2 and you take Pre-calculus)
Those credits count toward your elective credits
What happens if you fail a class?
May have to repeat it, benched from activities, hurts GPA so reach out to teachers or fellow students for help
what do you need to start a club at Roosevelt (name at least 2)
A sponser, 5 people, purpose, filled out activity form
What are some clubs that can help you get Silver cord?
Interact, Rider Crew, NHS, or any activity you join that is active in school events and/or volenteers
Who is Roosevelts community coordinator?
Ms. Allan