Nativity Knowledge
About You!

Tell me what is wrong about this nativity picture?

What is no wise men at the manger (there were more than 3 and they visited Christ when he was older) ?


Out of all of the students here in the room, God and all the servants love _________ the most...



Theotokos means...

What is Mother of God?


The most common American foods/drinks that people eat on Christmas are...

What is eggnog, ham, and turkey?


Evana is studying to be a ...

BONUS POINTS what state does she study in??

What is a doctor in New York?


The names for St.Mary are....

What is Burning Bush, Theotokos, Second Heaven, Golden Censor, Rod of Aaron?


_____ and _____ play ______ (name one boy and one girl that play sports professionally (like on a team) and what sports do they play)

Who is Agapi (wrestling) and Mark (basketball)?

(other answers are accepted)


The parents of St.Mary are...

Were her parents of the faith?

Who are Joachim and Anne? 

Yes; they were Godfearing people.


This is....

Who is St.Nicholas?


George's favorite saying is....

What is "if you are on time, you're late, if you're early you're on time"


The burning bush prophesied that.... 

What are the protection of St.Mary's virginity and Christ's birth?


We have a Mary Yacoub in our class that relates to the 3 Mary icons that we have in our church.

Who is St.Mary the Mother of God, St.Mary of Egypt, St. Mary Magdalene?


The five closest people to St.Mary are...

Who are Jesus Christ, John the Baptist, Elizabeth, Joachim, Anna, and Joseph?


The wreath is a symbol of.... (explain how)

What is "the shape of the wreath represents crown of thorns" and "red berries stands for Christ's blood that was shed" ?


Verona and Mary attend (colleges)....

Verona and Mary major in....

What is Rutgers (Verona) and NJIT (Mary)?

What is Biology (Mary) and Psychology (Verona)?


Simeon the Elder would translate the Old Testament. What happened when he went to translate Isiah? 

What is as he was translating Isiah, he went to change  the word "virgin" to "woman" in a verse. the angel appeared to him and told him he wouldn't die until he saw the fulfillment of the prophecy 360 years later.


Name everyone that doesn't go to BHS (name those that are present with us now).

Who is ______?


“My soul glorifies the Lord
and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior,
for he has been mindful
of the humble state of his servant." (Luke 1:46-48)

St.Mary said this when...

What is after she left Elizabeth's house?


The concept of Santa Claus came from....

What is "St.Nicholas was a Christian bishop who helped the poor and gave gifts. There was a man that had three daughters that he wanted to marry off but had no money to do so. So, in three different events, St.Nicholas snuck into their house at night and secretly left a sack of money. On the third night, the father found out and thanked him. This is where the story of Santa Claus comes from."


Hani and Mariam have _____ amount of kids, their names are ________, and they are in ______ grades in school.

Who are four, Gabby, Theodore, Joshua, Rebecca, eighth, seventh, and third?


Verona talked about three hidden gems of the nativity. Tell me what they were and give me a trait about each.

What is:

Joseph: ability to cover other's faults, humility, devotion to his family
Angels: live a life of praising God and visit those who are like shepherds (represent simplicity)

St.Simeon: waiting and watchfulness for God


In the church, there are icons of male saints, that share many of our 10th grade boys names. Name all the boys that share a name with a male saint that WE HAVE AN ICON FOR IN OUR CHURCH.  

Anthony/Andonious, Steven, George, David, Mark, Matthew , Thomas, Philopater


The stars present on an icon of the Theotokos are how many and the star symbolizes...

What are the three stars that symbolize her virginity and that she was a virgin before, during, and after giving birth to Christ.


Explain this picture IN DETAIL.

Answer must include who, where, and why.

What is, "St.Nicholas and Arius"

"The Council of Nicea"

"Arius was stating heresies (Jesus Christ was not of equal divinity of the Father) and St.Nicholas lost his cool, got up, walked across the room, and slapped Arius across the face."


The servant's current occupations are....

What is:

Mary --> student

Verona --> substitute teacher

George --> something in business, only God knows, his job changes every week

Hani --> physical therapist

Mariam --> teacher/physical therapist aid

Stephanie --> pharmacist