What age was Riley when he attended NAIT?
Carly visited this hot destination for a university course
The names of Kelsey's 2 guinea pigs
Nelly, Mickey
Every important date happens to also be the date Dad has to complete this unusual household chore:
Cleaning dust bunnies from under the fridge
What is the animal in the Facca Diesel logo?
While most people have one set, Logan has 1.5 sets of this body part
Which family member was born during this famous transitional year of global panic?
Madison (2000)
What is the name of Kelsey's childhood blanket?
Stinky Corner
These two normal activities will make Dad gag
Beating eggs too long, blowing anything up with his mouth
Madison had never seen this critter until she came to Saskatchewan
Sawyer is known for these long hairs
Nipple hairs
Kelsey won this family movie night essential at a t-ball tournament
The McJug
Carly's baby toy "puppy" is actually a ____.
A lamb
What snack did Kelsey keep in her wetsuit pocket?
Fruit roll-up
What kitchen utensil was missing when Riley came for one of his first family dinners?
Salad tongs
What was the reptile Madison had as a pet?
a gecko
Logan's beloved baby item that had to be repaired numerous times
What word does Dad use to describe Polaris snowmobiles?
Who was mom dressed as on Halloween when she was unrecognizable by her peers?
Phil from Duck Dynasty
Pick a color: what color is Sawyers RIGHT eye?
What unusual item did Kelsey win at the fall 2024 Ladies night?
An extension cord
What brand was "the hog"?
What cream did Dad announce he used on his feet?
What board game caused the great holiday disrupt of 2010?