Name ONE of the top 10 Latin America Countries with the highest amount of Afro Latino's.
Brazil, Haiti, Colombia, Mexico, Republica Dominicana, Panama, Cuba, Venezuela, Peru, Ecuador
This person is a Grammy-winning rapper, with roots with Dominican & Trinidadian. Their name is inspired by a well-known rum.
Latin America has been involved in the Atlantic Slave Trade since what Century?
The 15th Century.
"Sopa de Caracol" or "Conch Soup" is a very popular dish originating from which group of Afro-Latinos?
What was the name of the group, Romeo Santos use to be apart of?
What was the Last Country in South America to Abolish Slavery? (Not Spanish Speaking)
Brazil (May 13th, 1888)
This person is known for their role in the infamous show called "Pose." They are a very proud & openly Transgender Afro Latina Actress of color in Hollywood.
MJ Rodriguez
The Early 16th Century
The dish, "Mofongo" originates from which country?
Republica Dominicana, Puerto Rico
This singer is known for his songs such as "Eres Mia", "Obsesion", & "Imitadora" he is nicknamed "The King of Bachata."
Romeo Santos
Cuajinicuilapa, Mexico
This person is known for their role in two largest grossing movies of all time, "Avatar", & "Avengers: Endgame."
Zoe Saldana
What was the system used to separate different races in Colonial Latin America Called?
The Casta System (Caste)
Which languages are Afro-Latinos known to speak?
Creole, Garifuna, Palenquero
Susana Baca is known for trying to bring back what type of music style?
Which country is Considered Latino, but not Hispanic? (Think of the Caribbean, lots of Afrolatinos, very specific)
This person was the first Afrolatino to play in American Baseball, others called him "Bob/Bobby"?
Roberto Clemente
Dictator Rafael Trujillo is known for his cruel treatment against many people of color. In one event he ordered a mass killing of illegal Haitians in the Dominican Republic. What was the name of this event?
The Parsley/Haitian Massacre, (El Masacre de Perejil/Los Haitianos)
Name ONE of the many practiced religions known in the Afro-Latino Community?
Celia Cruz was also known as what?
Which City & Country was most prominently known for Slave Trading in South America?
Cartagena, Columbia
This person was known for their poems such as "Motivos de Son" they were exiled from Cuba.
Nicolas Guillen
Why did Slaves from Texas escape into Mexico instead of going North?
Slavery was already Abolished in Mexico
In some parts of Honduras, Nicaragua, Guatemala, & Belize, the Garifuna people perform a very popular dance known as...?
Name one style of dance/music that originates from Afro-Latino Culture?