This substance is produced or naturally occurring....its hard when cool and liquid when heated
What is Asphalt (tar)
Length times width is the formula for solving this shapes area
What is muck excavation
Every one on site is responsible for this
What is safety
A C- minus on a lath indicates this term
What is a Cut
This powdery substance is a combination of lime stone and other minerals that has a chemical reaction when mixed with water.
What is Portland Cement
The volume of a cube can be determined by multiplying these three items.
What is length, width and height.
This step is done early in a projects life, it helps determine road sizes, shoulder sizes, and need of stop lights.
What are Traffic Counts
This acronym is used for describing a persons safety equipment.
What is PPE
Offset is represented with this symbol
what is a circled "S"
This chemicals reaction is the process in which concrete hardens
What is Hydration
Estimating the cost for a contractor to get his equipment to and from the project for the duration of the project is known as this.
What is Mobilization
What is clearing and grubbing
When heavy equipment is on site you must be aware of your __________
What is your surroundings
An inspector on site is prominently concerned with this type of work.
What is Quality
Natural materials found on site are described as this type of excavation
What is common excavation
This bidder is typically chosen to do the work after being selected.
The foundation of the road bead is known as this term
What is Subgrade
Osha changed the classification of there hard hats to this new level
What is a stage 2 hard hat
Contractors are typically concerned with this type of work.
What is Quantity
These three main rock types are used to create aggregate.
Igneous Rock, Sedimentary Rock, Metamorphic rock
In a set of construction plans this sheet holds all of the valuable information of all of the items needed for the project.
In the MNDOT specification of material any material trapped above the number 4 sieve is classified as
What is Course Aggregate
This process of widening your trench while excavating for sew or water main is called
What is Shoring
What is take charge or take it over