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This performer was the first Cuban American singer who reigned for decades as the “Queen of Salsa Music.” 

Who is Celia Cruz?


On this day many Latinos attend midnight mass and prepare traditional foods. Mexicans get together for a “tamalada." Puerto Ricans prepare pasteles y pernil. Dominicans make lechon asado, and moro de guandules.

What is Nochebuena/Christmas Eve?


People born in Puerto Rico are citizens of this country.

What is the United States?


Fidel Castro and Ernesto Che Guevara were two main leaders of this political uprising.

What is the Cuban Revolution?


This is the most popular sport in Mexico, Argentina, Brazil, Columbia, and Chile.

What is soccer?


This musician was the first Latino inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1998.

Who is Carlos Santana?


During this celebration groups of friends/families and even strangers gather to “asaltar” or overtake other friends’ homes with holiday merriment. Some play musical instruments such as guitars, tamboriles, and maracas, while others dance and everyone sing.

What is Parranda?


These many states have a population of more than 1 million Hispanic residents.

What is 10?

According to the Census, Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, and Texas all have a Hispanic population of more than 1 million in 2017.


September 15 was chosen as Hispanic Heritage Month because it’s the anniversary of these 5 in Latin American countries.

What is Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, and Nicaragua?


The name for a popular Spanish version of a soap opera.

What is a telenovela?


The first Latina Associate Judge chosen to the U.S. Supreme Court in 2009 by President Barack Obama.

Who is Justice Sonia Sotomayor?


On this day in 1844, the Dominican Republic became independent from Haiti. This day is also the day where they have the biggest carnival celebration.

What is February 27?


These two oceans are connected by the Panama Canal.

What are Atlantic and Pacific Oceans?


This person is known as the liberator and in 1973 he led the rebellion against Spanish rule that established the independence of Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia.

Who is Simon Bolivar?


More than 90% of the Spanish-speaking world is this religion.

What is Roman Catholic?


This actor was born in Bogotá, Colombia. He spent the mid- to late-1980s performing in comedy clubs. He made his film debut in Casualties of War (1989). He wrote and directed the Broadway show Latin History for Morons.

Who is John Leguizamo?


This Festival takes place toward the end of June each year in the Andean villages of Peru, Bolivia, Argentina, and Ecuador, where crowds gather to celebrate and show gratitude for the bounty of the earth with a variety of colorful traditional rituals.

What is Inti Raymi or Festival of the sun?


These are the seven countries in Central America.

What is Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, and Belize?


This celebration commemorates the Mexican army's victory in 1862 over France at the Battle of Puebla during the Franco-Mexican War.

What is Cinco de Mayo?


This traditional six-pointed paper mache star is swung at almost every Mexican celebration and is filled with candy and small toys.

What is a pinata?


She is the youngest woman ever to serve in the United States Congress and is also among the first female members of the Democratic Socialists of America elected to serve in Congress. 

Who is Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez?


Traditionally, this day is an observance festivity to celebrate and honor one’s ancestors. It’s based on the belief that there is interaction between the living world and the world of spirits. This day is celebrated mainly in Mexico and Central America.


What is the Day of the Dead/ Dia de Los Muertos?


These are the three states in the U.S. with the most Hispanic owned businesses.

What are Texas, California, and Florida?


This war between the United States and Spain, in 1898, ended Spanish colonial rule in the Americas.

What is the Spanish-American War?


This reptile is in the beak of the eagle that sits in the middle of the Mexican flag.

What is a snake?