This season is when tulips and daffodils bloom.
This Floridian reptile has strong advantages in the water.
This conflict was never a conflict that resulted in true combat, but was very close to causing global devastation.
The Cold War
This food is mostly served in France and is a delicacy.
This season is when the Northern Hemisphere is tilted closest to the Sun.
This animal is one of the very few animals known to actively hunt and pursue humans.
Polar Bear
This treaty is named after the palace it was signed in.
Treaty of Versailles
This is a Scottish dish that is actually banned in the United States.
A person who does this job can represent people in a court of law.
Attorney or Lawyer
This season is when it is constantly dark in the Arctic.
This animal is considered sacred in places like India, where it is not eaten, but is eaten very commonly in the United States.
This war was a result of a devastating attack on the United States in the modern age.
The War on Terror
This Scandinavian dish made of fish fermented in lye is a commonly served delicacy in Minnesota.
A person who does this job is hired to find information by investigation.
Private Investigator
This season is when farmers find the most abundance.
This animal was held in very high regard in Ancient Egypt.
This British Monarch is known as the longest reigning monarch.
Queen Elizabeth II
This Southeast Asian delicacy uses the saliva of Indian Swiftlet Birds.
Birds Nest Soup
A person who does this job designs structures to be built.
These two seasons experience equinoxes.
Spring and Autumn
This animal is known to bring good luck in some Asian cultures.
Nuclear Family
This Chinese delicacy is made of an egg that has been fermented for months and has gone rotten.
Century Egg
A person who does this job provides medical care to animals.