The sport played in the Maya
What is the Ball Game?
The two animals commonly farmed by the Inca
What is 1000+?
The mountain range that is home to the Incas
What is the Andes mountains?
The belief in many Gods
What is polytheism?
The currency used in the Maya
What are cacao beans?
The famous Inca city we explored
What is Machu Pichu?
The Aztec capital
What is Tenotchtitlan?
A method of clearing fields for planting
What is slash and burn agriculture?
A stepped platform built into the side of a mountain
What is a terrace?
The stone that was most valuable to the Mayans
What is jade?
The months of the rainy season
What is November to May?
The lead Spanish conquistador who conquered the Aztecs
Who is Hernan Cortes?
Modern day country where the Incas lived
Name the three sisters
The 5 causes of the Mayan downfall
What are overpopulation, extended drought, shifting trade routes, environmental degradation, and warfare?
A leader from another tribe that was loyal to the Inca
Who is a curaca?
Who is Moctezuma?
The peninsula the Mayans were located on
What is the Yucatan Peninsula?
The Mesoamerican civilization that left behind stone heads of their kings
What is the Olmecs?
Name one Mayan God
Who is Kulkukan, Ix Chel, Yum Kaax, Chaac, Ah Puch?
The grain the Inca grew
What is quinoa?
A floating island for growing crops
What is a chinampa?
Specific location of the Aztec Capital (geographic feature not country)
What is two islands in a swamp?
Number of unlucky, unnamed days in the Mayan calendar
What is 5?