1. Which statement best describes the geographical location of Mesopotamia?

a. along the Persian Gulf

b. between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers

c. in the valley in Southwest Asia

d. to the east of the Mediterranean Sea

b. between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers


2. Which factors helped Sumerian agriculture flourish?

a. fertile soil, irrigation projects, ox-driven plows

b. high altitude fresh water supply, bronze tools

c. regular floodwaters, mild climate, a system of canals

d. sandy coastal soil, hot climate, iron tools

a. fertile soil, irrigation projects, ox-driven plows


3. Which Mesopotamian people were known for their seafaring skills and extensive trade?

a. Assyrians

b. Babylonians

c. Chaldeans

D. Phoenicians

d. Phoenicians


4. What significant contribution did Hammurabi make to Mesopotamian culture?

a. the codification of laws

b. the introduction of cuneiform

c. the expansion of seafaring trade

d. the system of satraps

a. the codification of laws


5. What result did agricultural surplus have?

a. decline in wealth

b. growth in population

c. equality of social class

d. reduction in trade

b. growth in population


6. What did ancient Sumerians house in ziggurats?

a. government leaders

b. trade markets

c. religious shrines

d. slaves and servants

c. religious shrines


7. Which ruler conquered Sumer to establish the powerful Akkadian Empire?

a. Cyrus the Great

b. Darius 1

c. Nebuchadnezzar 2

d. Sargon the Great

d. Sargon the Great


8. For which achievement was the New Babylonian Empire known?

a. a 22 letter alphabet

b. Hammurabi's Code

c. the Hanging Gardens

d. the abacus

c. the Hanging Gardens


9. How did Darius 1 improve communications in the Persian Empire?

a. by building a system of roads

b. by establishing a system of currency

c. by introducing a number system based on 60

d. by teaching the use of cuneiform

a. by building a system of roads


10. What did the Assyrians use to conquer Mesopotamia?

a. a large navy

b. small airplanes

c. bronze weaponry

d. bows and arrows

d. bows and arrows


11. What did the city-states of Sumer and Akkad have in common?

a. they were located north of the desert lands
b. they enjoyed the Mediterranean climate

c. they were built along rivers

d. they had more people than neighboring cities

c. they were built along rivers


12. What geographic features bordered Sargon's Akkadian Empire? 

a. Mediterranean Sea and Persian Gulf

b. Taurus Mountains and Zagros Mountains

c. Tigris and Euphrates Rivers

d. Syrian Desert and Caspian Sea

a. Mediterranean Sea and Persian Gulf


13. In which directions did the Akkadian Empire largely expand?

a. north and east

b. north and west

c. south and east

d. south and west

b. north and west


15. How long after the beginning of agriculture did city-states begin to form?

a. about 5,000 years

b. about 6,300 years

c. about 7,000 years

d. about 9,500 years

b. about 6,300


16. How many empires ruled the lands of ancient Mesopotamia?

a. one

b. three

c. five

d. seven

c. five


17. Which empire ruled ancient Mesopotamia the longest?

a. Akkadian Empire

b. Assyrian Empire

c. Babylonian Empire

d. Persian Empire

c. Babylonian Empire


14. How did geographic features likely help and hurt the expansion of the Akkadian Empire? 

The Tigris and the Euphrates rivers and surrounding lowlands supported the movement of soldiers and trade. The fertile soil of the river valley also supported agriculture in the expanding empire. However, the Syrian Desert and the Zagros Mountains made expansion difficult. 


18. What similar challenges did the empires of ancient Mesopotamia face?

Empires in ancient Mesopotamia faced the challenge of ruling a widespread area with many local city-states and peoples. They had to rule a growing population with different customs and defend against external threats from other peoples. 


19. What did the Gods and Goddesses of ancient Mesopotamia largely represent?

They largely represented elements and forces of nature such as rivers, mountains, earth, rain, flooding, and thunderstorms. 


20. Why did people likely pray or make offerings to deities such as Enki, Enlil, and Ninurta?

People likely prayed to these gods for good weather to help raise crops and keep their homes safe from flooding and storms. 


21. What does Markduk tell Ea that he will do?

Marduk tells Ea that he will make man to inhabit the earth. 


22. What purpose does Marduk intend his creation to fulfill? 

Marduk intends man to serve the gods and build shrines for them. 


23. How is the god represented in the stele?

The god in the stele is represented as a strong human. 


24. What details in the stele suggest that the god is more powerful than the king? 

The god is seated, while the king stands; the king is making an offering to the god and, so, seeking the god's favor. 


25. How did religion shape the lives of ancient Mesopotamians? 

Ancient Mesopotamians worshipped many gods. Everyone, from the ordinary people to kings, made offerings to the gods. Mesopotamians' religious beliefs explained not only the creation of the world but also every natural and human event.