Tested as the percentage a metal specimen will withstand before fracturing
what is elongation
a blast furnace produces
what is pig iron
produces a poor surface finish due to oxidation and scaling
what is hot worked
the effect that carbon has when added to steel
what is increase strength
if a file that cuts easily into the metal is most likely
what is low-carbon steel
The point where metals extend plastically without changes in stress
what is yield strength
The melting point of steel is .
what is 1535 °C (2800 °F)
Produces square edges and a high quality finish
what is cold worked sheets
carbon steels are classified according to
what is carbon content
All metals should be heated to _______ prior to welding to remove moisture
what is 21°C (70°F)
The exact moment a metals behavior changes from elastic to plastic deformation
what is yield point
fluxing agent that removes impurities to form a slag
what is limestone
Hot-dip galvanizing involves immersing the steel component in a bath of molten zinc at about
what is 450°C
CSA G40.21 designation for general welded construction where notch toughness is not a concern
what is W
Produces a weldment with high hardness, improved toughness and ductility
what is quench and tempering
the quality of a material to be shaped into something else without breaking
what is malleability
type of steel that is fully deoxidized by adding aluminum and silicon to the melt during production
what is killed steel
Structural shapes are produced by hot rolling
what is blooms and billets
ASME P number given to welding of A36 steel plate and bar shapes
what is P no.1
Requires shielding on the back-side of the joint (purging) to prevent oxide contamination
what is stainless steel
when you divide the maximum load by the cross-sectional area of a specimen in a tensile test you are
what is determine UTS
Stainless steel will have a greater buildup of heat in the weld area than steels, because it has_____ ______ _____________ than steels
what is lower thermal conductivity
type of forging that uses impact of hammers
what is closed die forging
the purpose of a mill test report is to
what is verify materials upon delivery
the process for reducing residual stress by post-heating to __________ for _______ per inch of thickness
what is 650C (1150F) for 1 hour