London saw a cold winter last year.
O’tgan yil qish Londonga sovuq keldi.
Uy 10 ming dollarga sotildi.
The house was sold for 10 thousand dollars.
_______________is done by the interpreter when the speaker finishes his/her speech or sentences. He takes notes of the information that is conveyed to the audience. The interpreter does this by sitting close to the speaker and he has a pen and notebook to jot down the information.
Consecutive Interpretation
Mudofaa vaziri radioda gapirdi
The Minister of Defense spoke on the radio.
It was late in the day.
Kech tushib qoldi.
You are not serious?
In _______________, the interpreter waits for the speaker to finish his speech so that he can translate what the speaker has said.
the consecutive interpretation
Ikki kun-bu uzoq muddat emas.
Two days is not a long time.
He answered the telephone.
U go’shakni ko’tardi.
Eski qo’shiqlar hech qachon uning joniga tegmas edi.
He was never tired of old songs.
Interpreters typically use _____________ in medical settings, but may also use it in courtrooms, schools, or in corporate settings.
sight translation
Qo'mondon o'z oldiga qo'shilma qo'mondonlarini chaqirdi
The commander called the joint commanders to him
That is a pretty thing to say.
Buni sizga isbotlash zaruriyatini ko’rmayapman.
I don’t see that I need to convince You.
Unlike consecutive interpretation, where the speaker pauses every sentence or two to allow the interpreter to translate, ______________ keeps pace with the speaker throughout the speech/presentation.
simultaneous interpretation
I hope that my actions will help to improve our friendly relations.
Men umid qilamanki mening harakatlarim bizning do'stona munosabatlarimizni yaxshilashga ko'mak beradi.
Maybe there is some chemistry between us that does not mix.
Ba’zan odamlarning xarakterlari bir-biriga to’g’ri kelmaydi.
Bosh yuvish g’ashimga tegadi.
- Bosh yuvish men uchun tashvishli yumush.
Scrubbing makes me bad-tempered.
This process consists of writing down the main ideas of the discourse and any necessary connectors, in a manner that facilitates memory support when reproducing the new discourse.
Recent developments point to a bright future.
Oxirgi paytlardagi voqealar rivoji porloq kelajakdan dalolatdir.