Student learning
Instruction cont.
Model that provides schools with a consistent language for learning that is organized into a framework designed explicitly for raising student achievement.
What is Learning Focused
A genre of instructional strategies that use small groups of students working together
What is Cooperative Learning
Utilizes activities and materials located at a special placed in the classroom and is designed for students to work independently at his or her own pace.
What is Learning center
Diagnostic assessment of what students know or think they know prior to the instruction.
What is Preassessment
Cultural beliefs, traditions, values, and mores of the students reflected in the teaching/learning process.
What is Culturally responsive pedagogy
Learning that proceeds from identification of a problem, through the development of hypotheses, the testing of the hypotheses, and the arrive at a conclusion
What is Discovery Learning
Designed to provide early, systematic assistance to students experience academic difficulty.
What is Response to Intervention
assessment of learning after instruction is completed.
What is Summative Assessment
Research-based method used to meet the academic and linguistic needs of ELLs
What is Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol
Opened-ended higher-order thinking questions (requiring analysis, synthesis, or evaluation_ that required students to think creatively, to leave the comfortable confines of the known and reach out into the unknown.
What is Divergent thinking question
Names for the Athenian teacher, a question strategy in which a teacher asks students a series of questions and encourages students to develop their own conclusions and raw their own inferences.
What is Socratic questioning
An alternative approach to evaluation that assembles representative samples of a student's work over time as a basis for assessment
What is Portfolio assessment
An instructional strategy that places students in a tutorial role in which one student helps another learn
What is Peer-tutoring
Self-paced instruction which is modified to meet the need of individual students.
What is Individualized learning
Instruction designed around the instruction and assessment of student achievement against specified and predetermined objectives.
What is Performance-based instruction
the relatively neutral process of finding out what students will or have learned as a result of instruction.
What is Assessment
Teacher-centered expository instruction, such s lecturing or teacher-guided group discussion
What is Direct Instruction
Motivation of learning through the student's internal sense of accomplishment
What is Intrinsic motivation
Pre-instructional cues that encourage a mental set; used to enhance retention of content to be studied.
What is Anticipatory set (advance organizer)
The means by which a teacher brings the lesson to an end.
What is closure