The MOR Gene
Random Factoids
These are the other two opioid receptors that have been cloned according to the paper.
What is the delta and kappa receptors
This study demonstrated that DNA methylation had what effect on MOR genes of DRG
What is epigenetic gene silencing
Who has mu opioid receptors?
What is - Found in all mammals!
The kappa receptor is the main opioid receptor used for analgesia.
What is False.
What does analgesic mean? (anel-jeeesic)
What is pain relief.
It has been hypothesized that reduction of MOR expression in what part of the presynaptic afferent terminals results in a drastic decrease in MOR expression of the spinal cord
What is the dorsal Horn
What type of pain is correlated with a change in methylation state in this study?
What is Neuropathic pain
Opioid analgesic drug has recently been seen as a gateway drug to _________.
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MOR expressions differ in mice than they do in rats.
What is True
What are two things that epigenetics control?
What is DNA methylation and histone modification
What drug was administered intrathecally which improved the analgesic potency of peripheral, spinal, and systemic morphine in neuropathic mice?
What is 5-aza-dC
What was the methylation status of the MOR gene promotor after nerve injury had occurred?
What is highly methylated
What two tests were carried out in order to visualize and compare MOR in DRG neurons, spinal neurons and sciatic nerve tissue?
What is Immunoflorescence and Western blots
Nerve injury drastically decreased MOR expression in the spinal cord and DRG on day 3 after injury.
What is False.
How was pain reduction measured in the mice?
What is thermal-withdrawal latency
What effect does MOR methylation have on the analgesic effects of opioids in neuropathic mice?
What is increased methylation of the MOR gene plays a crucial role in the decreases analgesic effects of opioids in neuropathic pain
What effect would a DNA methylation inhibitor have on the potency of an opioid analgesic?
What is increase the potency.
Neuropathic pain is due to an injury or malfunction in which two systems?
What is peripheral or central nervous system.
A nerve injured mouse has shown a tolerance to 100 micrograms of systemic morphine; if the mouse is injected with 100 micrograms of systemic morphine in the head then the mouse will be relieved of the pain.
What is True.
What are the two ways, discussed in the reading, that DNA methylation inhibits gene expression within the MOR gene.
What is modifying cytosine bases to directly inhibit the association of DNA binding factors due to steric hindrance AND various proteins that recognize methylated CpG sites and recruit transcriptional corepressor molecules to silence transcription.
MOR expression was decreased at what two levels in the DRG when nerve injury occurred in mice?
What is protein and mRNA level
What three areas of the nervous system does the paper focus on in terms of methylation?
What is peripheral, spinal and systemic
What factor is upregulated within the MOR gene when nerve injury occurs?
What is Neuron restrictive silencer factor (NRSF)
Hypothetically, if there was an increase in activity of the various proteins that recognize the methylations (CpG) sites, a mammal would be unable to develop an opioid tolerance.
What is False.
What three routes were used to administer morphine into the experimental mice?
What is- intracerebroventricular, intrathecal, and intraplantar.