During the Joint Commission Survey, the surveyors will talk primarily to:
A. The Hospital Administrators,
B. The doctors, nurses and staff,
C. The Patients,
D. The Blue Island Police.
What is B? YOU! Staff taking care of patients
1. Identify patients correctly. 2. Improve Staff Communication. 3. Uses medicine safely 4. Use alarms safely. 5. Prevent infection. 6. Identify patient safety risks. 7. Prevent mistakes in surgery.
What Are National Patient Safety Goals?
Wash hands for at least 15 seconds with soap water or alcohol.
What is proper hand hygiene before and after patient contact?
October 1st thru March 31st.
What is Flu season?
Have you given your patient a flu shot?
Have you got your flu shot?
Surveyors analyze a hospital's systems by following individual patients through their hospitalization, evaluating multiple care units, departments, and services rendered to the patient.
What is: "tracer methodology"?
Located on MetroSouth Home Page. Place to report all events.
What is ERS? Event Reporting System
N-95, gown and gloves.
What are airborne precautions?
Must be documented prior to hospital day 2 at midnight?
The following are examples of:
1.don't discuss patient information in the hallway or elevators.
2. keep doors / curtains closed.
3. close computer screens.
What is HIPPA. Health Insurance Portability and Accountability ACT?
Prior to the end of your shift on the day of the occurrance.
When should you complete an Event report?
Isolation needed for: Influenza, Mumps, Pertussis and Meningitis.
What are Droplet precautions?
On Admit: Assessment , Medication, Counseling.
On Discharge: Counseling and prescription.
What is the Tobacco Core Measure?
Must have Physician order for every episode and document assessment Q 2 Hours.
What are non-violent restraints?
Rescue- All persons in danger.
Alarm- Pull nearest alarm Dial 3333.
Contain - Close all doors.
Extinguish - If safe to do so and trained to use a fire
What is Race?
Support the team,
Ask a Question,
Focus on task,
Effective communication.
What is SAFE?
Definiton for WTF.
Why the foley?
Patient needs to be discharged on anti thrombotic and a statin if LDL is > 100.
What is a Stroke patient?
Trouble Walking,
Trouble Speaking,
Trouble Seeing,
Weakness on one side.
What are signs of a STROKE?
Pain Assessments/Reassessments,Pill crushers,Blood Transfusion Forms, IV Bag Labeling.
What are examples of Pefrormance Improvement Indicators?