Don't You Forget About Me
Some Maintenance Required
Mike McCAD
Charles in Charge
Number Crunching
Good Grief, no wonder I do not have any approvals on this document. I forgot to upload it to this online application.
What is Signature Server.
In Settings, this is the three digit symbol to represent the location of a tester.
What is Site Code.
The status level of a drawing or model that is locked and approved.
What is Status 60.
The tester development group is referred to as METS, an acronym used to symoblize this.
What is Manufacturing Execution and Test Systems.
Per our master validation plan sampling plan, the minimum number of test runs required within a PQ.
What is five.
Gee whiz I thought I told the operator he needs to perform this function on the module report so the test record shows up as completed.
What is Release.
The two options available to any user to access tester software are password or this.
What is biometrics.
The status level of a drawing or model that is locked but not approved.
What is Status 20.
The name of Randy's business hero and author of the book "Winners Never Cheat"
Who is John Huntsman.
The number of retests required at Flanders as part of their retest policy.
What is two.
Uh oh, I am doing an IIQ but I forgot to perform the IQ on this specific computer.
What is a Syngo.
This is the minimum level required to access the maintenance buttons within the tester software.
What is administrator.
The role assigned to approve a drawing or model to achieve a locked and status state.
What is Lead Engineer.
The three elements of Randy's entrepreneurship world viewpoint.
What are METS, HHH and rental properties.
The largest number of UUTs tested on a single Atellica internally developed tester.
What is nine.
Oh Darn, I need to sign off this OQ summary report but I need to make sure this validation report is approved first.
What is the Local IQ.
The maintenance button where all operators, administrators and managers are added to a tester.
What is user management.
The role responsible for creating an Engineering Change.
What is Engineer.
While Randy's process improvement of the light tower would be overkill on this consolidated power cart idea, it may be useful in other "shoebox" tester applications.
What is Flextest.
The number of internally developed Atellica testers being duplicated at Sanmina.
What is seventeen.
Shoot, I knew I forgot to add this application to the tester computer since the gateway console shows my tester is currently disconnected.
What is Mi2i.
This maintenance button you could use to help troubleshoot a persistent warning or error related to test records not being transferred from tester to T-Rex.
What is dB sync.
Teamcenter contains four unique roles within the ERM, an acronym used for this
What is Engineering Release Management.
The three elements of Randy's entrepreneurship world viewpoint include two secondary or sub points named this.
What are Fabrics in Motion and Natural Essentials.
The minimum number of approvers required on a validation protocol.
What is three.