Vocabulary 1
Parts of An Argument
Point of View
“To make a gesture with the hand, arm, or head to encourage someone to come nearer or follow. “
What is to "beckon"?
“Writing that represents a position on an issue or a problem”
What is an "argument"?
The vantage point, or place from which the story is told
What is ?the "point of view?"
The result of competing desires or the presence of obstacles that need to be overcome.
What is "conflict?"
Identifies the topic or subject and main points
What is a summary?
“The act or process of trying to get or win something (such as a prize or a higher level of success) that someone else is also trying to get or win”
What is a "competition?"
A good argument has these- ?“something that is clearly true, or everyone agrees is the case”
What are "statements of fact?"
?Where the narrator tells the story to another character using the word 'you.’
What is "second person" point of view?
This conflict takes place outside of the main character (protagonist.)?? Other types of this type of conflict can also arise due to other characters, acts of nature, or society itself in which the character lives.
What is external conflict?
Summaries are:?? a. Clear? b. Long ?c. Concise? d. Organized?? What one of these is NOT true?
What is "long"?
“To blow up with air or enlarge”
What does "inflate" mean?
When someone tries to get you to do something, or look at something in a certain way by making you feel : happy, sad, mad, or fearful
What is an "emotional appeal?"
?When the narrator is more distant, telling us about the story rather than playing a major part in it. Uses pronouns like “it,” “he,” or “they.”
What is third person point of view?
This type of struggle occurs inside a character, usually the protagonist, or main character. ??The character could be struggling with a decision he must make or with his own weaknesses.
What is internal conflict?
List in order the four steps (1-4) in preparing a summary:?? __ Describe setting? __ Identify main character? __ Identify conflict? __ List title & author?
What is: 1_ List title & author? 2_ Identify main character? 3_ Describe setting 4_ Identify conflict
“A part, surface, or region that is inside or on the inside”
What is "interior"?
“Fact, examples or quotations”
What are effective supports, (or things) that help make an argument stronger
“"He is just what a young man ought to be," said she, "sensible, good humored, lively; and I never saw such happy manners!”” – ??is an example of what point of view? -?first, -second or - third?" (Pick only 1)
What is third person point of view?
“Then the fish came alive, with his death in him, and rose high out of the water showing all his great length and width and all his power and his beauty. He seemed to hang in the air above the old man in the skiff. Then he fell into the water with a crash that sent spray over the old man and over all of the skiff.”?? This is an example of what type of conflict- ?external or internal?
What is external conflict?
“In a story by Hemmingway called “The Old Man and the Sea,” Santiago, an old fisherman, catches a giant marlin by himself in a boat, fights off sharks, and takes the fish home after being lost at sea for several days.”?? Is this an example of a summary??? Yes or No?
What is " Yes. It has the author, title, setting (at sea), and conflict."
“To carry out (a task) clumsily or poorly, leading to failure or an unsatisfactory outcome. Also, to make many mistakes.”
What is "bungled?"
“We should vote for President Ben because he makes me feel happy” is a:?? * Statement of fact, or? * Emotional appeal, or? * An Example? ? (Pick only 1)
What is an "Emotional appeal?"
“You are not the kind of guy who would be at a place like this in the morning” is an example of what point of view?
What is second person point of view?
A conflict between Batman and the Joker is an example of which type of conflict??? A. character vs. nature ? B. character vs. society ? C. character vs. character ??Choose only 1!
What is character vs. character conflict?
In the story, “Old Man and the Sea, “ Santiago’s conflict was between himself and:?? - Another fisherman? OR - Himself? OR - Nature?? (Pick only 1)
What is "Nature"