What is the definition of Manifest Destiny?
America’s ”obvious“ and God-given fate to settle to the Pacific Ocean and spread Democracy.
What specific animal was on the Bear Flag Revolt flag?
A Grizzly Bear
Who was the main help during the Gaston Purchase?
James Gadsden
What is the date of the Guadalupe Treaty?
February 2nd, 1848
Who was the general that captured Mexico City?
General Winfield Scott
Who were Californios?
Californios were the first 3,200 Spanish settlers in California.
When did the Bear Flag Revolt begin?
June 14th, 1846
How much did the Gadsden purchase cost?
$10 million
Why was there a slavery extension?
Due to all of the new territory given from Mexico to the U.S.
What was the battle that Scott won in the Mexican homeland?
Battle of Veracruz
Why were there many settlements across the Southwest of present day U.S.?
Grants were given to rich California settlers who made farms after the cancellation of the mission system.
Fremonts actions were beneficial to what cause?
The American Cause
When did the Gadsden Purchase take effect?
June 8th, 1854
What did Mexico face after the Mexican American War?
Harsh conditions and lost over half of their land.
What siege lasted 20 days?
Siege of Veracruz
Who were Anglos?
Name given to U.S. settlers who came to California by Californios.
The U.S. Government put out a call for how many volunteer?
How much miles did the Gadsden Purchase take over?
29,670 squared miles
Why were Americans moving to the Southwest?
They intended on taking land from the Mexican Nation for a new U.S. slave state.
What was the battle just outside of Veracruz?
Battle of Cero Gordo
Who were the 1844 Presidential Candidate that came together to take Texas and Oregon Country.
James K. Polk and Henry Clay.
What was the main reason why Santa Fe was taken easily?
The Mexican Military had abandoned the area.
What did the Gadsden Purchase do besides add land?
Established the current border of the U.S. and Mexico.
What were all the states that were given to the U.S. after the war?
California, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, New Mexico, Wyoming, and parts of Colorado.
What battle was a serious of encounters?
Battle of Mexico City.