The term rodeo means this
What is a roundup of livestock?
-->-->-->-->--> DOUBLE JEOPARDY<--<--<--<--<--
(Correct response receives double the point value for this question)These people explored new areas of land.
-->-->-->-->--> DOUBLE JEOPARDY<--<--<--<--<--
(Correct response receives double the point value for this question)
Over 700 of these were granted for over 8 million acres of land.
-->-->-->-->--> DOUBLE JEOPARDY<--<--<--<--<--
(Correct response receives double the point value for this question)
When the Mexican government took control of the missions property to end the mission system in Alta California, this process was called _______.
What is secularization?
--> --> DOUBLE JEOPARDY<--<--
(Two part questions means two times the points)
(Must explain your answers to BOTH questions in full in order to receive points)
Sutter's Fort was known as this for new settlers arriving in California. This is why Sutter's Fort was such an important and known landmark.-->-->DOUBLE JEOPARDY<--<--
(Two part questions means two times the points)
When Mexico gained freedom, they turned their government into this form of government. They also designed this after the United States.
(Must explain the key significance of this event, at least 3 details pertaining to WHY this is a famous story)
The Donner Party is a historical event for these reasons.