What are the three states of mind that we talk about in mindfulness and in dbt?
Reason, Emotion, and Wise mind.
What does the T in TIPP stand for?
True or False: Using the TIPP skills will make my emotions go away for the unforeseeable future.
False. It is a short term solution to help bring down your emotions enough think about what to do next.
What is willfullness?
Refusing to tolerate a situation; Giving up on a situation; Trying to change a situation that can't be changed; Refusing to change something that must be changed.
What are the WHAT skills of mindfulness?(Mindfulness Handout 5)
observe, describe, participate
Give an example of how someone could use encouragement to IMPROVE the moment.
I'm doing the best I can!
You're going to be alright!
You've got this!
What is willingness?
Allowing reality/the world to be what it is and participating fully; Being effective; Listening to wise mind and deciding what to do.
What are the HOW skills of mindfulness? (Mindfulness Handout 6)
Don't Judge, Stay Focused, Do What Works
How do you practice the Self Soothe with Six Senses skill?
Use one of these six senses(vision, hearing, smell, taste, touch, movement) to encourage comfort/soothing during crisis!
Listening to your favorite music, Playing it over and over again; Paying attention to sounds in nature; Playing an instrument or singing- these are all examples of which self sooth skill?
True or False: Radical Acceptance the practice of accepting something once and then moving on.
False. To Accept reality we must repeatedly make the choice to accept!
What is a reason that we learn and practice mindfulness skills? (Mindfulness Handout 2)
More choices/control over behavior; Reduce suffering; Help you make important decisions; Increase attention; Increase compassion for self; Lessen your pain tension and stress!
What do the two C's in Wise Mind ACCEPTS skill stand for?
Contributing (do something for someone else) and comparisons ( to a time you felt worse in the past, others coping the same/less well than you).
Which ACCEPTS skills would you be most likely to use?
Name two ways you can practice accepting reality?
Choosing to accept; Breathing mindfully to be in the moment and create accepting mindless; Half smile; Willing hands; Rehearsing in your mind how you would behave if you did accept reality; Willingness; Turning the mind!
Give us an example of how you practiced a mindfulness skill in the last month!
When is the best time to use pros and cons?
ahead of time!
Stop; Take a Step Back; Observe; Proceed Mindfully