
What documents are needed for an MFP consumer applying for a RAP?


(The documents aren't needed until it's time for their lease renewal)

*MFP consumers are only required to provide proof of citizenship if applicable


True or False: If the SDG is being applied for while the MFP individual is in the facility, then their full income is included 



What is a double transition? and how long does the individual have to find housing? 

An individual transitions to a family member/ community supports home while looking for housing.

The individual has 365 days from transition to find housing. 


Who is responsible for completing the housing tab? and when should it be updated?

Housing Coordinator updates housing tab at every step of the housing process. 

* Items will no longer be processed if the housing tab is not completed


Name 3 circumstances that would make a consumer ineligible for MFP.

Level of Care (LOC) is denied. 

Medicaid is not the payer the day before discharge.

Not eligible for Medicaid.


What is the difference between the Maximum Allowable Rent (MAR) and Rent Reasonableness Stanard (RR)?

MAR is the highest rate the housing authority will pay. RR is the going rate of the unit in that particular neighborhood and town.


Will and SDG be processed if the landlord’s signature is more than 2 months old?

No, CO cannot sign off on a signature that is 2 months old


How long after the lease is signed can the unit remain empty if a lease up extension is not approved?

15 days 


Why can't you provide housing services if the inform consent is not signed? 

Provides consent for the MFP program to work with the consumer. The form must be uploaded, and the date entered into the MFP web.


If the flag in MCC contains this information, should you sign a lease?
*Barriers - LOC, Look back, paid claims and W9*  

No, do not sign a lease if there are eligibility barriers.  


Why is the pooled trust documentation needed to process the RAP? 

The pooled trust documentation is considered financial information. 


Name two instances where the SDG can be denied. 

If two claims made on the SDG were paid on behalf of the consumer.

Consumer/or household size is over income. 


What resources are available to advocate for tenants rights? 

Commission on Human Rights and Opportunities (CHRO)

CT Fair Housing Center

Legal Aide

HA contact 


What are all the different Waiver and State Plan options MFP can transition someone on?

CHCPE, PCA, Autism, ABI waiver, DDS, MH Waiver, Katie Beckett Wavier, Community First Choice, State plan/Nursing  


True or False: An individual can sign a lease if their LOC is not current or expired.  



What are two important facts about live-ins as it relates to household income and retaining the RAP?

The Live-in's income does not count toward rental calculations. 

This person also has no right to retain the RAP, in the event the consumer enters a facility for an extended period of time.


What are two statues that apply to the SDG?    *Hint your answer should explain what these two statues are/ do

A landlord cannot discriminate based on source of income. Meaning a landlord cannot legally refuse a client access based on the use of an SDG.(CT general statute Sec.46a-64c)

A landlord cannot legally request more then 2 months for security deposit. The amount is limited to 1 months rent for tenants 62 and older.*


At what point can MFP be closed if consumer is re-institutionalized? 

180 days


What's the difference between redetermination and  recertification ?

Redeterminations for Medical coverage require a financial review by DSS. When this is overdue or not complete it can hinder the housing process.

Recertification's are a specific housing term for the same process that takes place annually for RAP consumers that are using the voucher.


For individuals going home on a waiver program, why is a look back almost always required? 

These consumers are often required to complete a financial look back to access the services, if one has not already been completed.


An individual must qualify for demo services to qualify for a RAP. What are the qualifications for demo services?

Medicaid must pay the day before discharge to the community.

The consumer must move from a qualified setting (consult Housing lead for exceptions- Director level approval required).

The consumer must move to a qualified setting (consult Housing lead for exceptions- Director level approval required).

The consumer must be institutionalized for at least 90 days before discharge.


What are the steps that Central Office take to process the SDGs? 

1.When CO receives the original SDG, it is reviewed using a system that tracks every SDG ever issued.(HUT)

2.The document is then prepared with a cover letter and reviewed by the housing lead for accuracy, program eligibility, and web updates.

3.The original document is sent to DOH to enter the case into the HUT system and the document is kept for records.

4.DSS sends a copy of the original document to the landlord. The landlord receives; the cover letter prepared by DSS, the w-605, w-374, and the w-276.


What is available for individuals who transition Non-Demo? 

1. Transition Assistance                                            2. Transition Coordinator – Coordinates Transition and follows for six months in community.                         3. Transitional Budget


Which Waivers do not have Home Accessibility Modifications? 

Katie Beckett Wavier, PCA Waiver, and Autism Waiver


What is the income limit for someone going home on state plan and on a waiver? 

$1182 and $2742