Case File
MG Core Services
Core Maintenance

This form is required to use in screening eligible clients into MG.

What is the Pre-Enrollment Analysis?


These populations need an Employment Authorization Document (EAD) to work.

What is humanitarian parolees?


This age range is eligible for the MG program.

What is 18-65 years?


This core service is essential in helping clients in learning the English language and clients must be enrolled in while looking for jobs during the service period.

What is ELT?


For the MG program, staff must provide first allowances to clients within X business days from the date of enrollment. 

What is the 10th day?


This form documented all the MG direct assistance disbursement and match with client acknowledgments/signatures.

What is the IRIS financial ledger?


A minor, pregnant person, disabled person, or someone over the age of 65 is considered this.

What is a non-employable?


This immigration status is temporarily no longer eligible for the MG program.

What are AHPs?


This effort is an ongoing networking with employers and others to secure employment for MG Program clients. 

What is the Job Development?


For MG, you are required to provide core maintenance assistance up until X day or when determined the case self-sufficient, whichever comes first.

What is the 180th day?


This notification must be documented before enrolling any Non-R&P such as Cuban/Haitian entrant, victims of severe forms of trafficking, asylees to all other MG program agencies within the affiliate's community. 

What is Notification of Pending Enrollment?


These populations are fully eligible to work and their eligibility never expires.

What is refugees, SIVs, and asylees?


Income must exceed what for a case to be considered self-sufficient.

What are expenses/TANF income limit?


These two training prepared clients in preparing for the U.S. workforce and the U.S. financial system. 

What are JRT and FLT?


This document can be used to prove clients' self-sufficiency status in order to reduce core maintenance assistance and cash allowance during the MG service period.

What is the financial check-in budget or 180th budget?

This document identifies barriers to early-sufficiency and employment, with time-bound strategies to remove those barriers for each member of the household.

What is the Self-Sufficiency Plan? 


This form is required by employers to ensure a client is eligible to work in the United States.

What is the I-9?


If a case accesses this, they are not eligible for the MG program.

What is public benefits cash assistance (RCA/TANF)?


Behavioral health services, interpretation, and childcare are examples of what two areas of the MG core services? 

What are social adjustment services and support services?


These provisions are housing, utilities, phone, food, and cash allowances.

What are core maintenance assistance services?


when applicable, you need to have these two documents when determining self-sufficiency status.

What are 

the post-employment budgets (180th, 240th budgets) and pay verifications/stub?


This organization can be called on their hotline if an employer is discriminating based on a client's immigration status paperwork.

What is the Immigrant and Employees Rights (IER) section of the Department of Justice?


This non-immigrant status individual can be enrolled into MG if they are enrolled within 31 days of mother's MG program enrollment.

What is U.S. Citizen Children?


This is how you capture and document community support for MG. 

What is Match?


This is the last day in which a client can receive their MG client direct assistance money. 

What is the 240th day?