General Knowledge

This is where you go to have a quick text conversation with a co-worker

What is the Chat Icon?


During a meeting, this is what you click to let others see your screen

What is the Share Screen Button  (up arrow)?  


What is  Best practice and first thing you should do upon getting started with using TEAMS?

What is configure your Settings?  this is important to manage your personal preferences and notifications.

This is the name of the topic or project based area within a TEAM

What is a Channel?


You click this to see the words on the screen that others are saying real time during a meeting

What is turn on Live Captions?


How do you get the attention of a group or specific people when posting in a Group chat, TEAMS or Channel post?

What is @mention?   


This is the navigation icon you click to see your schedule and to set up a meeting

What is the calendar?


When you share this tool, others can draw along with you

What is the Whiteboard?


Name 2 new features available in TEAMS

What is Your Chat Space, Loop, Approvals, Viva Learning, Updates,  Polls, Q&A, Pop out windows, PIN,  TEAMS Breakout Rooms, New Together mode scenes and Meeting filters


What is an easy way to find a file you can't remember where you collaborated on?

What is the FILES button (on left navigation bar) This view will show you all your recent files and where they are located.


This is the name of the button you would use to have an unscheduled meeting with people

What is Meet Now?  (Video recorder button)


This allows you to separate people into dedicated groups during a session

What is Break Out Rooms?


Where do you go to setup all your personal preferences in TEAMS?

What is the Settings icon ( three dots ) by profile picture.


If computer audio is not available - how else might you be able to join a meeting and hear the audio and particpate in the meeting at the same time?

What is use "audio conferencing" feature and allow attendees to join by Phone.  Other option is to join the meeting on a mobile phone if you have the TEAMS app installed.


What role do you require to manage a TEAM?

What is Owner.