Outline of training Process
What is A.D.D.I.E?
What is it called when you give new or current employees skills to perform their jobs?
What is Training?
Training that's all about "learning by doing"
What is on-the-job training?
On-the-job can also be called _________ in the case of a senior manager with a replacement trainee (are two possible answers)
What is coaching/understudy?
Name of the change process that has 3 steps
What is Lewin's Change Process?
What is expected of an employee after training?
What is engagement?
Employee Orientation, also called "Employee __________"
What is "Onboarding?"
Training that's about showing the way, practicing it, and giving feedback
What is behavior modeling?
What is NOT something that is measured during training evaluation?
A. trainee reactions
B. employer reactions
C. learnings
D. behavioral changes from the trainee
True/False: Changes that are made guarantee an organization won't fail
(you can make changes, but the question is if they are executed/implemented)
True/False: High-potential employees know how to do their jobs no matter what
Training that takes place under a master's instruction (hint: think of what Palpatine calls Darth Vader...)
What is an apprenticeship
It is best to use which kind of experimentation for measuring results in training evaluation?
What is controlled experimentation?
Besides organizational structure changes and team building, how else can organizations move to develop new behaviors, values, and attitudes?
What is training/development?
What is the final step of a training program?
What is Training Evaluation?
Which is NOT one of the goals of Orientation:
A. Employees feel welcome and part of a team
B. Socializing employees into a firm's culture
C. New employees have basic info to function efficiently
D. Help new employees understand an organization in a specific sense
What is informal training?
What is the type of off-the-job development program where trainees are given a written case and have to solve it in a realistic manner?
What is the case study method?
Which is NOT a reason an organization fails?
A. Change acceptance
B. Lack of resources
C. distractions decrease productivity
D. not implementing changes made
Name at least 3 of the 5 pieces of A.D.D.I.E
(Doubles points earned if 4 are named correctly; triples if all 5 are named correctly)
A = Analyze
D = Develop
D = Design
I = Implement
E = Evaluate
Employee engagement is essential to __________ success
What is long term?
What type of training would be best for a newly hired captain at EVERGREEN (shipping company based in Taiwan)
From the 9-box grid, what parameters would best be an enigma (otherwise known as a trainee who is difficult to understand?
A. Medium potential, medium performance
B. Low potential, high performance
C. High potential, low performance
D. Medium potential, low performance
E. Low potential, medium performance
Name at least 1 step of the change process that has 3 steps
(Doubles points earned if 2 are named correctly; triples if all 3 are named correctly)
1. Unfreezing
2. Moving
3. Refreezing