Name 2 moral rules discussed in the ethics case.
1. Do not kill.
2. Do not cause pain.
3. Do not disable.
4. Do not deprive of freedom.
5. Do not deprive of pleasure.
6. Do not deceive.
7. Keep your promises.
8. Do not cheat.
9. Obey the law.
10. Do your duty
What is Force-field analysis?
The tool is useful for making decisions by analyzing the forces for and against a change, and for communicating the reasoning behind your decision.
Which do you want to focus on during a negotiation: interest or position?
What was the Blue Ocean company discussed in class yesterday?
Cirque de Soleil
How many lectures are there throughout the quarter?
8 (no lecture during final and midterm)
What does RRR stand for?
Role-related responsibilities
Describe the 80/20 rule
80% of outcomes (or outputs) result from 20% of all causes (or inputs) for any given event. In business, a goal of the 80-20 rule is to identify inputs that are potentially the most productive and make them the priority
Describe why mirroring works in negotiations
It comforts the other person via imitation of body language, speech patterns, vocab, tempo, and tone of voice
What does SWOT stand for?
Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats
When are your TA's office hours?
Friday: 11.30-12
What was Google's motto till 2014?
Don't be evil
What is decision-making?
the action or process of identifying a strategy to address an issue or solve a problem
Describe the differences between transactional vs. transformational leadership
Transactional: This leader essentially motivates subordinates by exchanging rewards for performance.
Transformational: Transformational leadership styles focus on teambuilding, motivation and collaboration with employees at different levels of an organization to accomplish change for the better
Name 2 of the organizational structures discussed in class yesterday
functional, matrix, divisional
Where is Professor Harrington originally from?
What is utilitarian theory?
An action or decision that results in the most good for the most people is the ethical one
Name two steps that a coach takes with the coach approach
Identify the issue
Assess current state
Envision future state
Figure out how to get there
Name 2 leadership styles discussed in class
What is the first step in creating a perceptual map?
Choosing 2 attributes that are important to customers for that product
How many Eggheads are there on the UC Davis Campus?
Name three of the four types of lenses used to examine ethical issue.
Professional, philosophical, organizational, systemic moral analysis
What are the three circles in the Circle of Control theory?
Concern (no real control)
Influence (some control)
Control (you control)
What does BATNA stand for?
Best Alternative To a Negotiated Agreement
What is business strategy?
Sets the long term vision for the company and guides large-scale decision making
What license does Professor Harrington have for her business
Executive coach