Food and Beverage
Best Restaurants

Simon Sinek believes great leaders inspire action by starting with this simple yet profound inquiry.

What is "Why"?


This feature of a POS system helps track the availability of ingredients and alerts staff when it's time to reorder.

What is inventory management?


In foodservice, this is the term for delivering a consistently positive and memorable experience that ensures guests return.

What is guest satisfaction?


This method of menu pricing considers the cost of ingredients, labor, and overhead to determine the price of each item on the menu.

What is cost-plus pricing?


This three-Michelin-star restaurant in Barcelona, led by chef Joan Roca, is famous for its innovative Catalan cuisine and extensive wine list.

What is El Celler de Can Roca?


Simon Sinek argues that this intangible quality is the cornerstone of leadership and is built through consistency and integrity.

What is trust?


In a restaurant's POS system, this feature allows waitstaff to send customer orders directly to the kitchen.

What is kitchen display system (KDS) integration?


In foodservice, this critical certification ensures that staff understand safe food handling, hygiene, and sanitation practices.

What is a ServSafe certification (or food handler's certification)?


In food and beverage management, this term refers to the practice of pairing food with appropriate wines to enhance the dining experience.

What is wine pairing?


Located in Copenhagen, this restaurant is celebrated for its focus on Nordic cuisine and sustainability, led by chef René Redzepi.

What is Noma?


Effective leaders excel at this, which involves clear communication, active listening, and delivering feedback.

What is communication?


This POS functionality provides insights into sales trends, peak hours, and staff performance to optimize operations.

What is reporting and analytics?


What restaurant owned 11 Madison Park and has written books on hospitality?

Who is Will Guidara?


This key management process involves tracking the quantities of food and beverage products to minimize waste and ensure availability.

What is inventory management?


Located in Lima, this acclaimed restaurant is known for its creative use of Peruvian ingredients and fusion of local flavors, led by chef Virgilio Martínez.

What is Central?


This leadership quality involves the ability to understand and manage not only your own emotions but also the emotions of others.

What is emotional intelligence?


This feature allows customers to split the bill or leave tips directly at the POS terminal after their meal.

What is payment splitting and tipping options?


In foodservice, this term refers to the practice of designing a menu based on ingredients that are fresh, in season, and readily available.

What is farm-to-table (or seasonal menu planning)?


This position in a food and beverage operation is responsible for overseeing the kitchen staff, menu development, and food quality.

What is the executive chef?


Located in the heart of Paris, this Michelin-starred restaurant is renowned for its contemporary French cuisine and was founded by chef Alain Ducasse.

What is Alain Ducasse au Plaza Athénée?


A leader who makes decisions on their own without consulting others is described as using this leadership style.

What is autocratic leadership?


This POS system feature helps restaurants track employee hours, manage shifts, and streamline payroll processing.

What is time and attendance tracking?


This term refers to the growing demand for sustainable practices in the hospitality industry, focusing on reducing waste and promoting eco-friendly operations.

What is sustainable hospitality?


This financial statement summarizes the revenues and expenses of a food and beverage operation, helping managers assess profitability.

What is a profit and loss statement (P&L)?


This restaurant in Spain is famous for its avant-garde cuisine and molecular gastronomy techniques, created by chef Ferran Adrià.

What is elBulli?