Anime Titles
Anime Characters
Anime Weapons

I am an anime where you catch creatures and battle other creatures with your creatures.

What is Pokemon?


I am a anime character that ate a fruit that made me stretchy.

Who is Luffy?

I an mostly used in the anime Naruto, and I'm like a throwing knife.

What is Kunai?


I am an anime where people search for something in order to make a wish, and there are many transformations people can go through.

What is Dragon Ball?


I am a ninja, and will one day be hokage. I have yellow spiky hair.

Who is Naruto?


I am used by Many Hashiras and Tanjiro.

What is the Nichirin sword?

I am an anime where you have a fighting creature/character you can summon, and fight people with them.

What is Jojo's Bizarre Adventure.


I am an anime character that is from planet Namek, and has very shiny green skin.

Who is Piccolo?


I am used by Mihawk Dracule, and I am one of the most powerful swords in my anime.

What is Yoru?


I am an anime that there are devils that people can summon and hunt them for a LOT of money.

What is Chainsaw Man?


I am a dog that is black and white that has a special power called a stand and, the stands power is turning into any form, but made of sand.

Who is Iggy?


I am used by Zoro and i am one of the three swords that he uses, I am also tinted black.

What is Shusui


I am an anime where there are small creatures that take over their host, and pretty much zombify them. They hunt and feed of of human.

What is parasyte?


I am a mysterious individual who secretly rules the World Government from the shadows.

Who is Im?


I am used by Meliodas and I'm just a handle.

What is the Dragon Handle