What does SC stand for?
Hint: it's a job title
Support Counselor
This code can only be used by clinicians.
Individual Therapy
Use this word in a progress note-y sentence: Coached
- coached client in (skill)
- coached caregiver in supporting client to (do thing)
How many days does a provider have to write a mental health note?
3 business days
What code would you use for this scenario:
Met with client for community based outing to practice self regulation skills in a social environment.
What does ICC stand for?
Intensive Care Coordination
This code is used for a service provided to a youth or caregiver that focuses on activities of daily living. The ICC screener in the youth's chart indicates they qualify for ICC/IHBS services.
Use this word in a progress note-y sentence: Reframed
- reframed caregiver's perception of manipulative behavior
- reframed client's negative self talk
True or false: note writers can use the first person pronoun "I" in their notes. For example, "I met with the client to..."
False. Standard practice is to refer to oneself in the third person. "Clinician met with youth to.."
What code would you use for:
Attended CFT to discuss youth's progress in managing depression and continue to identify needs to support them at school.
What does CM stand for?
Case Management
This code is used for provider meetings, CFTs, and can be used when supporting caregivers with understanding the youth's needs. The ICC screener in the youth's chart indicates they qualify for ICC/IHBS services.
Use this phrase in a progress note-y sentence: Gathered information
- Attended CFT to gather information on client's coping skill use at school
- Listened to resource parent's concerns; gathered information about needs in the home.
What is the best practice timeframe for submitting mental health notes?
24-36 hours. This allows time for the supervisor to review and providers to revise and resubmit.
What code would you use for:
Called caregiver to talk about getting ready for their next placement. Youth being placed in the home has intensive mental health needs.
What does IHBS stand for?
Intensive Home Based Services
This code is used for services provided to youth or caregivers that focus on activities of daily living. The screener is not present, or it indicates that the youth does not receive ICC/IHBS services.
Individual Rehab (IR)
Use this word in a progress note-y sentence: Reinforced
- Reinforced youth's stated desire to ___.
- Reinforced need for follow through on safety plan
Where can I check to determine if a client receives ICC/IHBS services?
Exym --> Docs --> External Docs
What code would you use for:
Went minigolfing with youth for light exercise and to practice getting out of the house.
What does IR stand for?
Individual Rehab
This code is used for provider meetings, CFTs, or speaking with a caregiver when the screener is not present, or it indicates that the youth does not receive ICC/IHBS services.
Case Management
Use this word in a progress note-y sentence: Redirected
- Redirected youth to assigned task.
- Redirected team to focus on identified topic.
- Redirected caregiver to strengths based language.
True or false: Office Hours are no longer mandatory.
Kind of.
A supervisor can make Office Hours mandatory at any time to support you in getting your notes completed at the required timeline, with the correct language, and with the correct billing codes.
What code would you use for:
Met with caregiver to check on progress in using visual supports at home.
Why not ICC/CM?