Think, think, think
I'm close
Where did I read that?
More drugs please
My brain is fried!
Name the three tricyclic antidepressants from (pg.10) Hint: E P S
What is Elavil, Pamelor, Sinequan
All of these type of meds bind strongly to brain receptors for dopamine:
What is antipsychotics
Nursing Tip from the text indicated that giving Epi and thorazine together can give this:
What is SEVERE hypotension
This is an antiparkinson used to control symptoms of parkinsons:
What is Cogentin
Neurontin, Lamictal, and Trileptal are drugs that are used for what therapeutic use?
What is anticonvulsants
Three Antimanic Agents (pg.10) L T D
What is Lithium, Tegretol, Depakote
2nd generation drugs are aka:
What is atypical
These drugs may be given simultaneously with antipsychotics to counteract antipsychotic S.E.:
What is antiparkinsonian or anticholinergic meds
This is used to treat alcoholics and is an alcohol antagonist and we must teach the patient that while taking this med, they should use caution in using mouthwash, deodorants, and perfumes that contain alcohol:
What is Antabuse
Wellbutrin not only helps with smoking cessation but the other therapeutic indications for antidepressants such as Zoloft, Cymbalta, Prozac (to name a few) helps with:
What is panic disorder, anerexia, bulimia, OCD, and various forms of depression
Anticonvulsants (other drugs listed on pg.10) N L T
What is gabepentin (Neurontin), Lamictal, Trileptal
2nd generation drugs have different and less S.E. and are more costly, however; the most troublesome of these S.E. are ________ & can cause _______.
What is weight gain and type 2 diabeties.
Indications to give sedative/hypnotics:
What is insomnia
What indications would Ritalin, Adderal, Cylert, and Strattera be given for treatment?
What is treats ADHD and narcolepsy-these drugs are CNS stimulants
If you feel anxious before a test...these drugs help with the management of panic attacks and anxiety:
What is xanax, ativan, BusPar, Valium
Ten Antidepressants (pg.10) P P Z W E A C A C L
What is Prozac, Paxil, Zoloft, Wellbutrin, Effexor, Abilify, Cymbalta, Ascendin, Celexa, Luvox
Adverse effects of antipsychotics can include: akathisia (restless/pace), dystonia (muscle spasm), drug induced parkinsonism, & tardive dyskinesia (involves tongue & lips). Which adverse affect can continue even if medication is DC'd:
What is tardive dyskinesia
Indications to give antipsychotics:
What is acute and chronic psychiatric disorders. Aggressive and aggitated patients.
These types of antidepressants are used in conjuction with psychotherapy:
What is tricyclic antidepressants
Adverse effects from antipsychotics include:
What is seizures, neuroleptic syndrome, urinary retention
Four antianxiety meds (pg.10) X A B V
What is xanax, ativan, BusPar, Valium
A patient exhibiting akathisia (restlessness/pacing) can benefit from what nursing actions to help with this adverse affect?
What is reduction of antipsych med, benadryl, and anticholinergics
This is an opiod antagonist used for reversal of CNS & Resp depression from opiod overdose:
What is Narcan
Indications of bipolar affective disorder, acute manic episodes would get antimanics. What are the three antimanic agents from (pg.10)?
What is Lithium, Tegretol, Depakote
What are some nursing implications for patients that are taking antipsychotics?
What is assess mental status, monitor BP, PR, I&O's, daily wt, bowel function and NMS.