The official FCCLA colors
What are Red and white?
The temperature danger zone.
What is 40 degrees F - 140 degrees F?
What is a nuclear family?
The color of our 2023-24 chapter t-shirts.
This organization of leaders is abbreviated as FCCLA.
What are the Family Career and Community Leaders of America?
The safe internal temperature for chicken.
What is 165 degrees F?
A parenting style.
What is authoritative/authoritarian/permissive/uninvolved?
Upcoming fundraiser.
What is selling Ozark Gourmet lollipops?
The official FCCLA flower.
What is the red rose?
The 3 cooking methods.
What are moist, dry, and direct?
An area of development.
What is physical/social-emotional/cognitive/communication/play and learning
MHS community service project for October.
What is a clothing and hygiene item drive for the Marjaree Mason Center?
The 2023-2024 National FCCLA theme.
What is ¨The Ultimate Journey¨
The size of a medium dice.
What is 1/2 inch all around?
Difference between gross motor and fine motor skills.
What are large muscle movements versus small muscle movements?
The date of our next chapter meeting.
What is October 5th?
These 4 career pathways are offerred through FCCLA.
What are Hospitality and Tourism, Education and Training, Visual Arts and Design, and Human Services?
Chef Sanchez's classroom number.
What is 807?
Psychoanalyst that theorized the Psychosocial Stages of Development.
Erik Erikson
2023 Region 8 Fall Meeting Date
What is October 14th?