If I gave a RBTO to a nurse, where would that item appear in my inbox?
Orders for Signature
What is the safest way to open a patient's chart
From my patient list - it chooses the correct encounter
How can I modify a saved document?
Message Center OR In-Progress Notes from Mpages
What are the 3 most utilized Cerner domains?
Train, Build, and Prod
How many days do providers have to sign an order/document before it becomes deficient?
30 days
How do I manually add a patient to a custom patient list?
Right click patient's name, add to list
Where can I find my patient's full code status?
Banner bar - negative space
Something I documented on my Subjective/HPI component is not coming up on my note template. How can I trouble shoot?
Refresh the documentation section in the note template
What is Alex Vasserman's non-alcoholic drink of choice?
Hot Tea!
Who should I send my document to for refusal?
HIM Refusal Inbox
What can I use as a "more detailed" patient list?
Physician Worklist
How do I remove calculators from my components?
Menu icon, components
How can I create an custom auto-text template?
Manage auto text button
Who were the original MI Specialists?
Kris and Becky
HIM says I have a deficiency, but I don't see it. What should my first step be?
Review/Change my date filters
How do I give another provider access to my list?
Patient List Proxy
My patient forgot to tell the RN that she takes Pepcid, 40mg daily at home. How can I document that?
Home Med Rec> add
How long does a provider have to complete an operative report?
24 hours
Who are the MI project managers?
Maria, Jojo, Becky, Kris, Patty Y,
My provider previously refused an item in my inbox. How can I see the previous actions on this item?
Pull up the hidden details using the mouse/pointer
What are the 6 levels of recommended encounters for patient list criteria?
ED, ED Obs, Inpatient, Outpatient in a Bed, Observation, Same Day Surgery
What is the recommended order for components on the Acute class?
Chief Complaint, VS, Labs, Docs, Micro, Path, Diagnostics (US), Clinical images, I/O, Lines, Ax, Hx Problems
My dragon is not working. What are 2 ways to trouble shoot?
Hint: Hardware vs Software!
Check Connection
Verify correct MIC selected
What is a HIPPAA compliant application to communicate PHI between providers and care team?
Tiger Connect