This idiom means: Do you remember? or Does it seem familiar?
Does it ring a bell?
What are different ways to say delicious
(100 points per correct answer)
Yummy. Scrumptious. Flavorful. Tasty. Delectable. Mouth-watering. Appetizing. Savory.
This word means nice smelling
A famous person.
Sleeping clothes
One or both of these idioms mean:
1) Very nearby.
2) Happening soon.
1) Right around the corner. Just a stone's throw away.
2) Right around the corner.
Name as many textures as you can.
(200 points per correct answer)
Tender. Moist. Crispy. Crunchy. Chewy. Creamy. Squishy. Juicy. Hard. Soft. Brittle. Dry.
A lesson, especially a private lesson or a YouTube lesson.
1) Someone who doesn't eat meat
2) Someone who doesn't eat or use any animal products at all.
1) Vegetarian
2) Vegan
This idiom means: Not feeling well.
Under the weather
This is another word for drink(s)
Super happy!
2 possible answers
Ecstatic. Elated.
A tryout for a part in a film or a play.
Hunger (for food or some other thing).
These 2 idioms are used to say "We were just talking about you"
Speak of the devil.
Are your ears burning?
This is the word for soup liquid
Hard to notice. Hard to detect. e.g. Hard to see. Hard to smell. Hard to hear. Hard to taste, etc.
Makeup products
Influence. The ability to get others do the thing we would like or make others think the way we do.
This idiom means we should not do or consume too much of anything because even good things can be negative in excessive amounts.
All things in moderation
This is a phrase that we use to talk about something that we didn't like at first but grow to like over time.
An acquired taste
This term refers to personal and interspersonal abilities such as listening, communication, teamwork, public speaking ability, time management, adaptability, etc.
Soft skills
The trend towards international cooperation in areas like business, education, travel and culture.