Resident's Rights
Safety & First Aid
Mobility & Ambulation
Infection Control
General CNA

The condition of the resident may be freely discussed

a. in the break room

b. at the care plan conference

c. during visiting hours

d. with his roommate

b. at the care plan conference


A resident has an alert bracelet showing that they are a fall risk, this means the resident

a. may get up and go to the bathroom by himself, but needs help to the dining room

b. may walk around his room, but need to be escorted to activities outside his room

c. must be accompanied to the bathroom, assisted out of bed and any other activities where they are walking

d. need assistance getting out of bed but are free to walk around by themselves

c. must be accompanied to the bathroom, assisted out of bed and any other activities where they are walking


Residents often walk with their feet shuffling.  This is usually due to

a. loss of mobility

b. laziness

c. increased visual acuity

d. increased muscle tension

a. loss of mobility


While providing care to Ms. Jones, you notice that she has an open area on her arm that is bleeding, and that you have blood on your arm.  You know that you must

a. go to the hospital emergency room or urgent care

b. report this to the nurse or your supervisor

c. leave work and go on home

d. make an appointment with your doctor

b. report this to the nurse or your supervisor


The most critical characteristic needed to be a good nursing assistant is

a. to have a negative attitude

b. to have a positive attitude

c. to be lethargic

d. to feel comfortable eating with the residents 

b. to have a positive attitude


Mr. Jackson is having a phone conversation with his son.  You accidentally pick up the line and hear the conversation.  You should: 

a. hang up immediately

b. keep listening because you think Mr. Jackson is complaining about your care

c. tell him that he's been on the phone too long and it's time to hang-up

d. none of the above

a. hang up immediately


Signs of a stroke may include all of the following except

a. aphasia

b. paralysis on one side of the body

c. clearer vision

d. memory loss

c. clearer vision


When transferring Mrs. Sparks onto the toilet:

a. use a gait belt to stand her

b. put her right arm around your neck

c. have her put all of her weight on her right leg when moving

d. all of the above

a. use a gait belt to stand her


When handling equipment that has been soiled with blood, body fluids, secretions or excretions at a minimum:

a. wear gloves, mask and gown

b. wear gloves and a gown

c. wear gloves

d. wear glove and a mask

b. wear gloves and a gown


Which of the following is an acceptable way for the CNA to cope with feelings of anger and frustration?

a. refuse to care for a frustrating resident

b. call your best friend and vent

c. discuss your feelings with several staff members during lunch

d. talk with your supervisor

d. talk with your supervisor


If a nursing assistant sees or knows of an instance of abuse or neglect of a resident they must 

a. report it to the charge nurse 

b. tell another nursing assistant

c. not tell anyone

d. tell the resident's family

a. report it to the charge nurse


If a resident experiences a seizure, the responsibility of the nurse aid is to 

a. make sure the resident is safe by moving furniture from around the resident

b. attempt to hold the resident still by using a physical restraint

c. administer the physician ordered seizure medication

d. place a bite block in the resident's mouth using a gloved hand

a. make sure the resident is safe by moving furniture from around the resident


A nursing assistant is helping a resident to walk.  If the resident becomes faint and begins to fall, the assistant should:

a. hold the resident up and call for help

b. hold the resident up and continue walking

c. ease the resident to the floor and call for help

d. carry the resident back to bed and then go for help

c. ease the resident to the floor and call for help


There are two levels of precautions with the CDC's infection system they are 

a. airborne and droplet precautions

b. standard and transmission based precautions

c. body fluid and airborne precautions

d. contact precautions and standard precautions

b. standard and transmission based precautions


A nurse aide is caring for a resident who is agitated. The nurse aide should:

a. talk in a slow, calming manner

b. tell the resident to be quiet

c. ask to reassign the care of this resident

d. speak loudly so the resident can hear the instructions

a. talk in a slow, calming manner


Your resident is a practicing Hindu.  He will have dietary restrictions that should be honored such as 

a. no alcohol, beverages with caffeine or chocolate

b. no products made with wheat

c. no beef, but products from cows are allowed

d. no fish, lobster or shrimp

c. no beef, but products from cows are allowed


Bed rails

a. are not considered a medical device

b. are always used for residents at risk for falling out of bed

c. place a resident at risk for strangulation

d. are used for staff convenience 

c. place a resident at risk for strangulation


Sitting a person on the side of the bed prior to walking is called _______________.

a. fowler's position

b. prone position

c. dangling

d. supine

c. dangling


Using aseptic technique means that we

a. avoid contaminating an area

b. were exposed to a nosocomial infection

c. are susceptible to infection

d. failed to use gown and gloves 

a. avoid contaminating an area


Residents wander for different reasons; your responsibility is to

a. figure out why they are wandering

b. ensure their safety as they move

c. re-direct them to the living room

d. provide them with snacks and a drink

b. ensure their safety as they move


Mr. Smith tells you that he saw a staff member open his night stand and go through his drawer and now he is missing $40.00.  The CNA will

a. call 911 and report a theft

b. ask the resident for the staff member's name

c. tell the charge nurse what was reported

d. tell the resident he has Alzheimer's and did not see that happen

c. tell the charge nurse what was reported


In a list of factors OSHA released about an increase in workplace violence 

a. allowing staff members access to handguns contributes to lesser injury

b. creating shelter-in-place courtyards is a proven deterrent

c. low staffing levels during times of increased activity, such as meal times is a factor

d. maintaining continuous indoor lighting and subtle background music or verbal commentary overhead alleviates anxiety and agitation

c. low staffing levels during times of increased activity, such as meal times is a factor


When providing passing range of motion (PROM) the nursing assistant should place the resident in _________ position.

a. supine

b. lateral

c. semi-fowlers

d. sitting

a. supine


Serous wound drainage is

a. bloody drainage

b. clear, watery fluid

c. thin, watery drainage

d. green, yellow drainage

b. clear, watery fluid


Understanding everyone copes with some things better than others it is important to

a. keep your emotions and concerns to yourself

b. know your own strengths and weaknesses

c. try to do everything better than your co-workers

d. always have a comeback line to use

b. know your own strengths and weaknesses