What Is It?
Name or Explain
Great Lakes

Name 3 Michigan landforms

What are....

peninsulas, islands, mountains, sand dunes


Name 3 ways that ideas flow into and out of Michigan.

What are....

TV, social media, newspapers, the internet, books, conversations, phone, radio.


Define vegetation.

What is....

plants that grow in a specific habitat.


Name 3 ways you can use the Great Lakes

What is....

swimming, fishing, sailing, boating, look for Petoskey stones, water ski, etc.


Name 3 kinds of bodies of water in Michigan.

What are...

the Great Lakes, smaller lakes, rivers, waterfalls


Name the 5 Great Lakes

What are....

Lakes Huron, Ontario, Michigan, Eerie, and Superior


Give 3 reasons why people move into and out of Michigan.

What is....

Different parts of the world are able to grow different kinds of foods and make different products. People want to have food and products from all over the world.


Define natural resources.

What are...

things found in nature that are used by people.


Name the Great Lake that is closest to JCS.

What is...

Lake Michigan


Name 2 regions that Michigan belongs to.

What are....

The Midwest Region

The Great Lakes Region


Name 3 natural resources found in Michigan.

What are....

the Great Lakes, sand dunes, forests, fish, wildlife, mining, soil


Tell why products flow into and out of Michigan.

What is....

Different parts of the world can grow different kinds foods and make different products. People want to have food and products from all over the world.


Define what human characteristics are.

What are....

things on the earth that were made by humans.


Name the Great Lake that is near the bottom right side of the Lower Peninsula.

What is....

Lake Eerie


Give 3 examples of human characteristics.

What are...

buildings, bridges, roads, tunnels, lighthouses.


Define Climate.

What is....

Weather conditions over a long period of time


Explain what it means to modify the environment.

What is...

We change the environment to fit our needs.


Define a landform.

What is...

a natural feature of the earth's surface.


Name the Great Lake that does not touch Michigan.

What is....

Lake Ontario


Name 3 ways you can take care of the environment.

What is....

pick up trash, don't litter, don't put things in the water that can hurt animals, stay on the path at parks to protect vegetation, don't pick protected flowers, plant trees, respect wildlife, etc.


Explain that the Soo Locks are.

What are....

A set of parallel locks that help ships travel from Lake Superior to the lower Great Lakes because of a 21 foot water level difference.


Explain what it means to adapt to the environement.

What is....

We have to change what we do in order to fit our environment.


Tell what a region is.

What is....

an area or place that has similar characteristics.


Name the Great Lake that is above the Upper Peninsula.

What is....

Lake Superior


Explain why it's important to take care of the environment.

What is...

God calls us to take care of his world, not to harm it or be wasteful. We need to be responsible with what we have and protect our natural resources for today and for future generations.