This person was known for developing cell theory...
Rudolf Virchow
Oxidation is....
the loss of an electron
A scientific name consists of...
genus and species
Prevalence is_____while incidence are...
prevalence is the number of cases at a particular time while incidences are the number of people contracting the disease
German measles causative agent is...
An acidic stain has this type of charge...
negative chromophore
Gram-positive cells have this type of peptidoglycan layer
Viral structure is...
A virus is a nonliving
Nucleic acid core
Envelope (sometimes spikes)
Portal of entries and exits are...
skin, mucous membrane, and parental route
Toxoplasmosis is transmitted by...
The monomers that make up lipids are...
fatty acids and glycerol
This much ATP is produced with the complete catabolism of glucose
38 ATP
Levels of taxonomic hierarchy...
domain, kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, species, and genus
Periods of Disease are...
1. Incubation period
2. Prodromal period
3. Period of illness
4. Period of Decline
5. Period of Convalenscense
Progression of Chicken pox...
respiratory route to the blood then epidermal rash causing a vesicular rash
The three steps for preparing a slide are...
prepare a smear, fix(heat or chemical), and stain
The 4 phases of a growth curve are...
Lag: little/no cell divisions (intense metabolic activity)
Log: rapid cell division (minimal generation of microbial death me)
Stationary: The growth rate slows, and the number of microbial deaths balances the number of new cells causing the population to stabilize
Death: the number of deaths exceeds the number of new cells
DNA replication process...
DNA helicase breaks hydrogen bonds
Primase lays down RNA primer where DNA polymerase copies 5' to 3' direction
leading strand continuously synthesizes
lagging strand discontinuously synthesizes creating Okazaki fragments
DNA polymerase proofreads and removes RNA primers
Okazaki fragments joined by DNA liagase
The function of the three lines of defense...
1. The first line of defense keep pathogens on the outside of the body and or neutralize them before infection can be acquired
2. The second line of defense Slow or contain infection when the first line of defense fails
3. The third line of defense targets specific pathogens for destruction when the second line of defense fails at containing pathogens which include memory components
The causative agent for anthrax is____and its progression is...
the causative agent is Bacillus anthracis
progression begins with the termination of the endospore then grows in macrophages causing signs and symptoms
Polymers are broken by_____reactions while monomers bind together by______
Polymers are broken by hydrolysis reactions while monomers are bonded by dehydration synthesis reactions
3 Differences Between Eukaryotic and Prokaryotic Cells...
Prokaryotic: circular chromosome not in membrane, no histone, lack membrane-bound organelles, peptidoglycan cell wall, binary fission, and 70S ribosomes
Eukaryotic: paired chromosome in nuclear membrane, histones,membrane-bound organelles, polysaccharide cell wall, mitosis, 80S ribosome
Name the three domains, 4 kingdoms, and 5 phylums
Domain Archaea, Domain Bacteria, Domain Eukarya
Kingdom Animalia, Kingdom Plantae, Kingdom Fungi, Kingdom Protista
Phylum Proteobacteria, Phylum Chlamydiae, Phylum Spirochaetes, Phylum Firmicutes, Phylum Actinobacteria
Endotoxins and exotoxins are different by...
Endotoxins are gram-negative, present in LPS of the outer membrane of the cell wall, and released with destruction or cell division, lipids, have low toxicity, fever producing, considerably larger lethal dose, and give general systemic inflammation/fever to host
Exotoxins are mostly gram-positive, metabolic products of growing cells, are a protein, have high toxicity, do not produce fever, have small lethal dose, and have specific damage to specific cell on the host
Enterobius vericularis progression is...
Enterobius egg ingested hatches and develops in intestines, it sexual reproduces ad the female lays egg around the aus at night