This term describes intentional or unintentional comments or actions that marginalize people
"You speak English so well!" is an example of this type of microaggression
a) microinsult
d) microassault
Experiencing microaggressions at work can make someone want to do this
quit their job
Saying "You're too pretty to be in STEM" to a woman indicates what
women aren't good at science or math
True or False: Microaggressions can only be verbal
False (they can be verbal, behavioral, or environmental)
Repeatedly mispronouncing someone's name after being corrected is an example of this type of microagression
a) microinsult
b) microinvalidation
d) microassault
A common emotional response people experience after facing microaggressions repeatedly
Frustration, anxiety,or self-doubt
Not learning to pronounce someone's name correctly shows a lack of _____.
Key difference between discrimination and microaggressions
Microaggressions are more unintentional while discrimination is more deliberate
This term describes a microaggression that appears as a compliment but reinforces stereotypes
a) microinsult
d) microassault
True or False: Experiencing microaggressions can make individuals more likely to avoid seeking professional or medical help
Telling someone, "You don't look gay," assumes what about the LGBTQ+ people
that they all look or act a certain way
True or False: If someone from a marginalized groups commits a microaggression against another marginalized person, it is no longer a microaggression
False (Anyone can commit microaggression, even within marginalized communities)
A store employee refusing to serve a customer based on their race or ethnicity
a) microinsult
d) microassault
Experiencing microaggressions over time can lead to this negative effect, where individuals begin to question their own perceptions.
self-doubt or gaslighting
When an emplyer only schedules Christian holidays but ignores others, this is a microaggression based on this
Best way to respond if someone tells you that you committed a microaggression
Listening,reflecting,and apologizing
"Where are you really from?" is what type of microaggression
a) microinsult
d) microassault
Overtime, microaggressions can harm this part of a person's health
mental health
When someone says, "You're so fluent for a Black person," what are they trying to indicate
stereotype that black people are not well-spoken