Bacteria-smallest and simplest
Scientific Method
Name two diseases caused by bacteria?
What is Strep Throat, Tuberculosis, Pneumonia, Leprosy, and lyme disease?
True or false: Virus are a cell
What is false?
Fungi eat by______ and reproduce by______
What is absorbing and sending out spores?
Protists are A. Single-cellular B.Multi-cellular C. Both D. Neither
What is Both?
You are looking at a pond water sample for examples for protozoa and algae. What is the best way to tell the difference between protozoa and algae? A. Protozoa are larger than algae. B. Protozoa move and algae do not C. Protozoa are green while algae are not D. Protozoa have flagella and algae do not
What is B. Protozoa move and algae do not?
Bacteria is a consumer, producer or decomposer?
What is decomposer?
Virus reproduce by
What is invading another cell?
Three examples of fungi are
What is mushrooms, yeast, and mold?
Diseases caused by Protists include: (name two)
What is Giardia, African Sleeping Sickness, and Malaria?
Katie wishes to see if apples will keep and not rot if they are kept cold. She places an apple in the refrigerator and records the date. What should she use as a control?
What is An apple left on the counter at room temperature?
Three ways bacteria is helpful.
What is digesting food, cleaning oil spills, soil nutrients
Virus are not considered a living thing. They are considered either ______ or _______
What is active or inactive?
Penicillin is made from fungi. Who invented penicillin?
What is Alexander Fleming?
If a protist is attached to another cell (has a host cell) it is a
What is a parasite?
Which of the following correctly pairs a Microorganism with the disease it creates? A. Protozoa and the Flu B. Virus and Athlete's Foot C. Bacteria and Strep Throat D. Fungi and a Cold
What is C. Bacteria and Strep Throat
The three shapes of bacteria.
What is rod-shaped, sphere-shaped, and spiral-shaped?
Name two diseases caused by viruses
What is measles and chickenpox?
The most important role that fungi plays in our ecosystem is?
What is decomposing?
Algae is considered a producer because of the presence of __________. The color of algae (or any producer is)?
What is chloroplasts? What is green?
A student went camping n the mountains. While he was there he drank water from a clear stream. He later became ill. His doctor told him he had Giardia, a comparatively large unicellular animal-like parasite having a nucleus. Giardia is a: A. Fungus C. Bacteria B. Algae D. Protozoa
What is D. Protozoa?
Bacteria reproduce by.......
What is duplicating and splitting? (binary fission)
The protective coat that covers the DNA in a virus is called
What is the capsid?
Two questions: Name two diseases caused by fungi Name a kind of food that has fungi
What is Ringworm and Athlete's Foot? What is cheese, bread, mushrooms?
Algae and Protozoa are the two main categories of Protists. Name an example of each.
What is Euglena (Algae) and Amoeba (Protozoa)?
A student wants to find out if Euglena need light to survive. He decides to take water samples from dark places in local ponds and check to see if Euglena are present in them. How could this student improve this experiment? A. Also take samples from the light areas of the same pond for comparison B. Count all of the Protozoa in the ponds being sampled. C. Catch a batch of Euglena and put them in the dark until they all die. D. Check ponds in other communities throughout the state.
What is A. Also take samples from the light areas of the same ponds for comparison.