An upper UTI occurs above the level of the
WHAT IS bladder
Mushrooms belong to this class
wat is Basidiomycetes
Name of taxonomy for classification of viruses
what is Baltimore classification
Two non-Treponemal tests for syphillis
what is VDRL, RPR
Trophozoites are most abundant in what stool consistency?
what is watery
Pathogenic organism implicated in meningitis (gram negative intracellular diplococci)
What is N Meningitidis
Another name for deuteromycetes
what is fungi imperfecti
Ideal swab for sampling viruses
what is a flocked swab
Test for salmonella typhi
what is WIDAL test
The infective stage of cyclospora is the ________, and the diagnostic stage is the __________
what Is oocyst
This treatment for chlamydia is given as a single dose. Also, give the MOA of this antibiotic!
What is azithromycin? What is a protein synthesis inhibitor?
Classic finding under the microscope for this disease (PS: NOT THE DISEASE)
what is asteroid body?
Two types of samples needed for a serological diagnosis, the avg time period for each sample, and how much should the titre rise by
what is acute (1-3 days), convalescent (10-14 days), 4 fold
Triad of wiskott-aldrich syndrome
what is eczema, low plts, immunodeficiency. (tetrad = bloody diarrhea)
Diagnosis + 2 most common causative organisms
what is s aureus + grp A strep
Histoplasmosis is also known as
what is Darling disease
Hep B immune status of this patient?
what is immunized?
What color top tube is needed for CD4 counts (like for follow up of AIDs patients)?
what is purple top?
Brocheoalveolar lavage taken from a patient, stained with silver stain show cup shaped organisms. What is the organism?
what is pneumocystis jiroveci/carinii
3 characteristics + specie (see pic)
Also known as south American blastomycosis
what is paracoccidiomycoses
John Cunningham virus affects ________ and leads to _____________.
Western blot immunoassay for HIV - what is a positive result?
p24 AND p31 AND gp41/gp120/gp160
what is CSF eosinophilia >10% (95% of cases) 12 days post infection, slightly elevated proteins, normal glucose. CSF can be clear or slightly cloudy.