" What is spontaneous generation?"
" This is a hypothesis that life arises from nonliving matter, a " vital force" is necessary for life. "
" Who is Alexander Fleming?"
" In 1928 he developed the first antibiotic."
" What is genus and specific epithet?"
" Each organism has two names when naming and classifying micoorganisms."
" What are cube like groups of eight"
" sarcinae"
"What is bacillus and clostridium?"
"Name two bacteria that produce endospores."
" What is biogenesis?"
" This is a hypothesis that living cells arise only from preexisting living cells."
The author of classification of bacteriology?
" What is eukarya, bacteria, and archaea?"
" Three domain system of biological classifications of celluar forms introduced by Carl Woese."
" What are clusters?"
"What is tetanus?"
"This toxin prevents relaxation of muscles, causing lock jaw."
" What is fermentation?"
" This is the microbial conversion of sugar to alcohol in the absence of air."
" What is the golden age of microbiology?"
" 1857 -1914 was known as this age"
" What are bacteria, virus, algae, fungi, and protozoa?"
" Name the five types of microorganisms according to their classifications."
"What are chains?"
"Streptococci and streptobacilli"
"What is gangrene?"
"This organism grows in tissues with poor blood supply causing the tissue to die."
" What is bioremediation?"
" This is the process of using microbes to clean up pollutants."
" Who was Anton van Leeuwenhoek?"
" He observed the first microbes in the year 1623."
" Who is Carlos Linnaeus?"
" He established the system of scientific naming and classifications of microorganisms."
"What are groups of four?"
" tetrads"
"What is botulism?"
"This toxin prevents contraction of muscles causing paralysis. Honey is not recommended for children under 1 year of age due to risk of contamination."
" What is microbiology?"
" This is the study of organisms too small to be seen with the naked eye."
" Who is Robert Hooke?"
" In 1665 he reported that living things are composed of " cells". "
" What are scientific names?"
" names are " latinized" and italicized or underlined"
"What are pairs?"
"Diplococci and diplobacilli"
"What is anthrax?"
"This is also known as Wool Sorter's disease."