Where can we find Bacteria?
Are viruses cells?
What are protists made of?
Are bacteria and viruses living things?
No, bacteria is but not viruses.
What specific environment do archaebacteria live in?
Oxygen free environment and extreme environments.
What are the parts in a bacteria?
Cell wall, flagellum, cilia, pili
What are the parts of a virus?
Capsid, Nucleic acid (DNA/RNA), tail, and tail fibers
What percent of Earth's oxygen is derived from plankton?
How do we prevent bacteria from spreading?
Wash your hands, use disinfectants, and use antibiotics.
What do some protists and bacteria have in common?
Flagella and cillia
What are the three shapes of bacteria? (Must say the shape and scientific name for the shape)
Bacilli (rod), spirilli (spiral), cocci (sphere)
What are the shapes of viruses?
Polyhedral, Helical, Spherical, and Bacteriophage
Algae are protists that need what type of habitat?
Are bacteria and viruses good for us?
Bacteria can be, viruses are not good for us.
Which type of Protist is call the red tide?
How do antibiotics work?
It breaks down bacteria cell wall
How does a retrovirus interact with a cell?
It injects RNA and reverse transcriptase enzyme into the cytoplasm of a cell.
What feature do Sarcodines have?
Pseudopods (false feet)
How does bacteria and viruses cause disease?
Bacteria interferes with normal body functions by offsetting homeostasis and release toxins.
Viruses kill cells and makes us feels sick.
Are protist unicell or multicellular organisms?
They can be both.
What are two different types of bacteria?
Anaerobes and aerobes
Describe the process for lysogenic cycle.
1. Attachment
2. Entry
3. Provirus formation> dormant
3.5 Trigger
4. Replication
5. Assembly
6. Lysis and release (cell dies)
What type of Protists are there?
Animal, plant, and fungi like protists.
Can vaccines kill bacteria and viruses?
No, bacteria are killed by antibiotics and antibodies that the body creates kill viruses.
What does HIV stand for and how does it disrupt the immune system?
Human immunodeficiency virus, it attacks the helper T-cells