True or False is Fungi a type of protist?
What is the worldwide spread of a disease called?
True or false organelles are the cells organs?
Is bacteria multicellular or unicellular?
What is the spread of a disease that affects a large group of people at one time, confined to a specific area?
Cells are made up of atoms, what are atoms made up of?
Protons, Nuetrons and Electrons.
What is a protist?
a single-celled organism, such as a protozoan or algea
What is a material made from a weakened amount of a pathogen that induces immunity to a disease?
What are three types of organelles?
Mitochondria, Cell membrane, Nucleus.
What is a protozoa?
single celled organism,They come in many different shapes and sizes
What are two types of infectious diseases?
Flu, covid, Ebola, Hepatitis, HIV/AID, Measles, Polio, Shingles, Tetanus and Zika
What is the smallest cell?
what are two types of Protists?
Bacteria and Fungi
What is a virus?
a disease-causing agent that is too tiny to be seen by the ordinary microscope, that may be a living organism or maybe a very special kind of protein molecule, and that can only multiply when inside the cell of an organism
What color is the nucleus?
clear, Grayish purple