
Makes up around 80% of all UTIs

What is E coli


You screen for "what" kind of organisms on the BAP for all stool cultures? 

What is Oxidase positive 


What term is used to describe organisms that require special nutritional and environmental needs in order to grow?   

What is "Fastidious" Organisms


An agent used to improve the quality of a very viscous sputum sample?

What is a Mucolytic 


The amino acid required for an organism to produce Indole? (It is usually supplemented in the agar)

What is Tryptophan 


The Differential agent on a CIN plate 

What is Mannitol (fermentation) 


Name one of the antimicrobial agents used in Martin Lewis media that makes it selective for genital pathogens.

What is Vancomycin, Colistin, or Anisomycin


If Tween 80 was supplemented in the media for a mouth specimen you were working on, What organism would you most likely be trying to Identify?

What is Candida spp (albicans) or Fungus


>100 NH PPT GRY growing on the BAP/CNA. 





What is Aerococcus urinae 


Green colonies with black center growing on HEK.

Red colonies with black center growing on XLD.

TSI is K/A with a Black signet ring around the middle.


What is Salmonella Paratyphi


A patient comes in with a genital legion and it is set up for culture and grows on day 2: 


CHOC: +3 sm dry yellowish opaque and pushy

Biochemicals were as followed:


ALA (porphyrin) -

Growth around factors X and V, as well as just X


What is Haemophilus ducreyi 


A CF patient has a sputum specimen with the following gram reading:

>25 WBC

>25 EPIs

What is the Q score and how will the specimen be processed? 

What is 0, and accept because of the CF diagnosis 


A lawn of AH is growing over different looking AHs. what simple test could be preformed to rule the "lawn" out?

What is a wet mount


A patient came in to the ER with weakness and bloody diarrhea. A CBC was done and showed the RBC at 1.5 and PLT at 86. A stool sample was collected. What is the most likely causative organism and what is this condition called?

What is E.coli 0157 and HUS (hemolytic-uremic syndrome)


A vaginal specimen gram stain showed the following: 

+3 WBC

+3 GPB 

+4 Gram variable bacilli 

+2 curved GNB

What is the N score and determination?

What is 6 and altered flora (Indeterminant)


An ear specimen was growing +3 dry white colonies with "feet" and +3 PPT green on both the BAP and CHOC. The maldi ID for the dry white came back as Candida Albicans, but the green colonies were not able to get an ID. The next day the plates grew the same, however the green colonies appeared to be larger and "fuzzy". What is the next thing you can do to help identify this organism?

What is a Lactophenol blue stain (Scotch tape prep)


A patients ChromAgar is growing 100<colonies each of E.coli, K.oxytoca, and K.pneumoniae. They have had a previous report indicating only E.coli. How would you result this? 

What is Mixed/colonizing flora (MOC)


A man just got back from a vacation in Fiji. He has intense stomach pain and frequent diarrhea. A stool culture was preformed and the plates were overgrown with swarmer's. However, the CampyBAP was growing a large yellowish colony and a large grey. Oxidase and a gram stain was done on both colonies: 

Yellow = OX pos, Curved GNB

Grey = OX neg, GNB

Most probable ID?

What is Vibrio spp. 


A women comes into the ER with severe pelvic pain and complaint about yellowish grains in her discharge. She just recently got her IUD removed, and a few days later these symptoms began. When set up for culture, only a faint haze grew on the BAP. They subbed it for anerobic culture, and set up the following biochemicals with the results of: 

Gram: GPB

Kanamycin R

Colistin R

Vancomycin S   

Bile Esculin +

What is the most probable ID?

What is Actinomyces spp


A patient on vacation from Indonesia has come to the ER with back pain and weakness. They have had symptoms of atypical pneumonia for months, but were never able to get an answer. The doctor requested a TB screen/culture with the following results after 1.5 weeks: 

LJ +3 dry breadcrumb colonies

Middlebrook +3 dry rough colonies

ZN stain: filamentous GPB

Gram: very weak filamentous GPB

What is the most probable organism?

What is Nocardia spp (asteriodes)