Fun Facts
Careers in Microbiology

True/False: All microorganisms are pathogenic.

What is false?


This scientist is famous for his discoveries related to germ theory of disease, fermentation and pasteurization. 

Who is Louis Pasteur?


An instrument used to visualize a specimen/sample containing microbes.

What is a microscope?


This well known fungus is key to the production of beer and bread.

What is yeast?


I study microorganisms to understand their behavior, growth, and effects on humans, animals, plants, and the environment. 

Who is a Microbiologist?


In a Winogradsky Column these type of microorganisms are expected to be found in the top layer.

What are photosynthetic microorganisms?


This scientist is the pioneer for microbial ecology (the study of how microorganisms interact with each other, their environment, and other organisms). A very famous microbial ecology experiment is named after him.

Who is Sergei Winogradsky?


The purpose for practicing aseptic techniques.

What is to eliminate/avoid contamination?


Have no fear you can tell everyone that your microbes in your gut are what's causing the extra pounds. They can weigh up to ______ pounds.

What is 2-3 pounds (approx. 1.4 kg)?


I examine microbes in soil, water, and air to understand their role in ecosystems and pollution control. 

Who is an Environmental Microbiologist?


This bacteria is responsible for Cholera, a bacterial disease, that causes severe diarrhea and dehydration.

What is Vibrio cholerae?


This was the first widely used antibiotic and was discovered by Alexander Fleming.

What is penicillin?


A selective/differential agar based on lactose fermentation.

What is MacConkey’s Agar?


The funny thing is bacteria somehow has better teamwork skills than you! They do this through _________ _________.

What is quorum sensing (communication using chemical signals)?

Quorum sensing is a process that allows bacteria to communicate with each other and adjust their behavior in response to changes in population density. So bacteria release chemicals called autoinducers to communicate. 


I apply microbiological techniques to create products, improve crops, and develop medicines using living organisms. 

Who is a Biotechnologist?


A form of a bacteria that is dormant, tough and non-reproductive and can survive harsh environments.

What is Endospores?


This bacterium was discovered by Barry Marshall and Robin Warren. It is responsible for peptic ulcers overturning the long-standing belief that ulcers were caused by stress or spicy food.

What is Helicobacter pylori?


These 2 stains or dyes are used in the Gram’s staging procedure.

What is Crystal violet dye and Safranin?


What's the largest organism on earth? Well whatever you thought, you're wrong it's the ______ _____.

What is honey fungus (the largest known organism, spanning 2.4 miles (3.8 km)?


I focus on fungi, studying their beneficial uses (e.g., antibiotics) or harmful effects (e.g., plant diseases).

Who is a Mycologist?


Who says bacteria can't be good? These microbes are found mainly on our skin.

What is Staphylococcus aureus?


This person is known as the "Father of Microbiology". He was the first to observe and describe single-celled organisms which he called "animalcules" using a microscope he developed. 

Who is Antonie van Leeuwenhoek?


Here’s a scenario: a scientist inoculated a soil sample and applied the microbes all over an agar plate, after some time he observed the plates and realized that in some areas of the plate there was no microbial growth (they were zones of inhibition). This suggests __________

What is that there is/are microbes that are producing antimicrobial agents preventing the growth of other microbes close to it/them. 


You wish you were Rumpelstiltskin and could weave gold. Funnily enough, this bacteria can! 

What is Cupriavidus metallidurans? (Certain bacteria like this can turn toxic compounds into tiny particles of gold)


I focus on protecting populations from bioterrorism threats by studying dangerous microbes and developing countermeasures.

Who is a Biodefense Researcher?