Viruses and Fungi
Body Systems
Hodge Podge
Prokaryotic cells which vary widely in size, shape, and cell arrangement. Visible with a light microscope
What is Bacteria
This is an infectious agent that are simple in nature. They are not usually considered cellular. They are composed of small amount of DNA and RNA wrapped in a protein covering.
What is a virus
You eat this every day in which it produces vitamins and proteins. It is classified as a fungi. What is it?
What is Yeast
Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, Syphilis, Genital Herpes all affect which body system
What is Genitourinary system
A staining procedure in which bacteria are stained with crystal violet, treated with strong iodine solution, and decolorized with ethanol.
What is Gram stain
What are the 3 basic forms of bacteria
What is Bacilli, Cocci, Spirilla
A virus that exists outside a host cell
What is viron
The lowest forms of animal live. they have the ability to move, and they are found in water and soil. Most are classified as saprophytes in which live in soil and feed off of decaying organic material.
What is Protozoa
Meningitis, Toxoplasmosis, Poliomyelitis, and Rabies all affect which body system
What is Nervous system
When staining, if the stain remains it is said to be Gram __________. If the stain does not stay, then it is said to be Gram ____________
What is positive, negative
This is a rod shaped bacteria seen in Anthrax, TB, and Thyphoid
What is Bacilli
A virus that has a bacterial host
What is Bacteriophage or phage
Anthrax, Staphylococcus aureau, and Chicken pox are all microbial diseases which affect this body system
What is Integumentary
Plague, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, Lymes disease, Malaria, HIV/AIDS, and Mononucleosis all affect which body system
What is Blood and Immune system
There are 4 types of gram-positive bacteria that occur in chains. Name them
What is pyogenic, viridan, enterococcus, and lactic groups
This is a spherical bacteria seen in staphy and strep infections
What is cocci
Eukaryotic organisms with cellulose or chitin cell walls that include mushrooms, molds, and yeasts. This organism is primarily airborne in the spore stages and are resistant to heat, cold, acids, bases, and other chemicals
What is fungi
Pneumonia, Legionellosis, Pontiac fever, Pertussis, Diptheria, Influenza, Common Cold, and SARS are all microbial diseases that affect which body system
What is Respiratory
What are the 6 steps to the cycle of infection Daily Double
What is Infectious agent, Reservoir host, Means of exit, Mode of transmission, Means of entry, Susceptible host.
There are 3 groups of intermediate organisms that obligate intracellular parasites which can reproduce only in living cells. What are they
What is rickettsia, chlamydia, mycoplasma
This is a spiral shaped bacteria
What is Spirilla
This particular mold is found on peanuts and cottonseed. It is extremely toxic in humans and farm animals and can also be carcinogenic.
What is Aflatoxin
Salmonellosis, Typhoid fever, E. Coli (diarrhea), Cholera, Botulism, Mumps, Hepatitis A,B,and C all affect which body system
What is Gastrointestinal
True/False. The most common microbes in the large intestine are Bacteroides fragilis, Escherichia coli, Proteus mirabilis and Candida albicans Daily Double
What is true
What is the name of the group of bacteria considered to be the smallest free-living organism
What is Mycoplasma- cause primary atypical pneumonia and many secondary infections.